Super Reflexes for bosses




It really, REALLY needs to be looked at. It's just frankly too strong. I don't use it for any of my custom bosses, and here's why.

On standard, it gets all of the toggles, and all of the auto powers. This means a 26% defense to everything at all times, a 20% reduction in recharge for it's attacks, and .9% resistance to all damage for every percent of health below 60%. This makes them take an annoying amount of time to kill.

Thankfully, there's a very easy fix for this. Super Reflexes gets absolutely no powers on hard. Not a single one. Simply move the auto defense powers to hard, and then on standard Super Reflexes bosses will simply have a 18.5% defense to everything and no scaling resistances, making them more in line with other custom bosses with defense powers set to standard.




And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



I'll agree.

And I'd also love to have minions where I don't have to set a secondary at all, or can turn off their ranged powers/ tone them down. Something unnerving about my def taking 25% health from a shuriken from what SHOULD be a melee mob..



Well, Shuriken is leaps and bounds above the damage that other ranged attacks that the melee sets got, for some reason. I'm willing to believe that Shuriken's insane damage is a pure mistake.

As for not giving minions a secondary set, you can "cheat" and give them standard regen, which gives like a 75% regen and recovery rate boost, which on minions, doesn't really mean anything at all.



I partially blame players for this, but the devs ultimately. If there weren't so many players that tried to take the easy road every chance they got, this would be a non-issue.

But for the Devs

1) WTH is wrong with scaling the experince and rewards on custom mobs

2) Why are we restricted to power sets in the first place? Why can't we have a minimum of "check marks" that we need on individual powers and let us piece meal mobs just like you piece meal your mobs?

I would love to make mobs with Sonic Rifles instead of "screaming". I would like to make a fire based guy with a flamethrower instead of "conjuring". I would like to have Crey Cryo weapon technology instead of "throwing" icicles.

If someone picked a pathetic amount of powers for someone, the XP was worth hardly anything like the civilians in that one Ouro Boros arc. If they were tough opponents, they gave you additional XP like the Freaks, Lost, and Rikti.

Why can't any of my guys summon shield generators? Why does my Stone Melee AV have so few attacks? Why can't we suppliment these guys a little more freely?

Again, give us more options with a MINIMUM of what we have to pick to ensure that people don't cheat. This would fix all the above mentione problems. Instead of making it to where EVERYONE has a ranged attack, make an error appear if 50% of the minions don't have ranged attacks (Lts and above should have ranged options.....period. But you should be able to choose an attack and not pigeon-holed into a certain one.)




I mean, honestly. Why can't I make my guys weak against fire, as long as they have some other things they are strong against. This is [censored] players that cause this one though, making mobs weak against whatever they use (though they can STILL pick they in-game enemies with those weaknesses, so what is the difference).



Umm, not sure what all that has to do with super reflexes? Or how it's the players' fault. Perhaps you should start a separate thread about your issue?