# 8538 - Honor's Shadow




Arc Name: Honor's Shadow
Arc ID: 8538
Author: @Kageshi
Number of Missions: 4
Level Range: 37+ Recommended, Villainous

Warning to Mary Sue phobics: a toon of mine appears in this arc. However, it's an origin story, not a "rawr! i beat you!" In fact, you will inevitably send me to jail - we all started in the Zig, right? xD

Since i started Kageshi and saw the Tsoo, i wondered what happened to all the other Asian gangs. Looking up the lore a bit, it seems they absorbed them all into a large amalgam of Triad, Tong, etc... but i couldn't really picture all these different cultures just going with the flow. Besides, whats some good 60s villain action without Yakuza?

A simple deal with a minor Tsoo leader to grab a magical trinket leads you to... well, if i did it right, i won't have to explain too much ahead of time, yah? I enjoyed writing and testing it; i hope you enjoy reading and playing it.

What i'd also really like is feedback from varieties of teams. I can solo it at diff 1, but how many other ATs can? Do large teams cause the mayhem to ramp up too much? What, ye gods, happens with a full team at Diff 5? I'd really love to know...

If you tried this shortly after I published it, I tuned things to be a bit more sane.

All raters are welcome, as long as it's an honest rating. Please, if you're thinking of giving me a 5 just so i give you a 5, save us both some time and don't bother.

