first scrapper?




I made my first scrapper and he is lvl 25 right now MA/WP dont know if i like him yet he still seems weak so was wondering what scrappers are best for teaming? I wanna make a scrapper for mainly TFs



There is no "wrong" Scrapper. Any well built combo can work.

Understand the Scrapper's role on a team and you will always be welcome.



Martial Arts doesn't have as much AE damage as you may want, but willpower is great in big teams. Spines has the most AE damage, Claws, Dual Blades and Fire are also good.



what would be best team build? Im also looking ar SR



ok decided I wanted to go claws/SR cause I read alot of good things so does any one know a good build for that now?



Depends on what you're looking for. Here's my leveling build to now (currently 36). I'm not sure if the slot levels are correct, but the power choices and number of slots are.

I don't recommend using it directly, but rather just farming it for information. This was more of a proof of concept. I wanted to show that not only could you hit the soft cap to all positions by level 36 using only a single IO, but that it would also be playable.

And it was playable. Pretty strong, actually, at least once I got past the terrible teens. Minor but not serious endurance trouble. But it was more like playing a tank due to the low damage output of only having the three early attacks.

Outside of showing what's possible, you'll very likely be better off and have more fun taking some of the stronger attacks and fitting in a travel power, and just delaying the soft cap into the 40s some time. It would also be a good idea to frankenslot your attacks when endurance starts to be a problem.

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy &amp; Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA592CD6ED3401485C74D5293C6B16BD226E91F69CBAA1 BAF0B2C2AD11F09A98|
|69054AC80C84DA78951E4589E20DA1D0FC02BF020150FE7DE EB391309A3AEB092F3|
|C5E79EB97732767877E608F1F34458EEE92C526A341C67519 ACAAC164693782C6C2|
|1C486F146A19C491950F087EA2DCD33792B132583E177BE1B C8DB99BC93CA7F974C|
|65269345607E38FDF97C165CC48B442AA56F2E6594C6C9A48 9CA64BAA03BCF946E6|
|4A6A671EA9FA7F138783BBFB91F85915AC8ECBE4B9B3AA2EF 9477575C79AD40B522|
|560C6D4DFAFCC55530E4BA55ACA5226AE03343F4886D44698 E85FE6B86C83886E8E|
|F82EFC9AF604E057D5D70DD106BBF116B985343FFE786C86C F820FAB7CDFFA2BAAD|
|190EB966851C6D773849FD3559C5C0BAB5AAB3AB55D628532 9B3A636D76E84757EC|
|9A8746ECE0D03A18F2A24C643F10B7306A0BB55D701FF429B 3837E3BA5DA8121FA0|
|D897BE8B7F7447640991E0EAAD7D2DE157987987188DCCB32 31237FEA2A368E932C|
|52E2F21FA75F5DBE8DC22A9C5E75F92EFFD7F5E09859F5013 FFE2B963ECB2796CF2|
|C5F58BEB2442CD72C6396FCCF72B577CC1B7AC5F29AE50DCB 2F0ED90D92068BC3D2|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr />

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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