Better Rewards for Story Arcs and Siren's Call




I feel that Single Origin Enhancements as rewards for completing a story arc or earning bounty in Siren's Call is a bit outdated. I would like to see more valubale goodies on the end of this.

For Story Arcs: Random Gold Recipe Roll
For Siren's Call: Bounty is saved from day to day and you are able to use a set amount of bounty the same way you are able to use merits/tickets.

Edit: Was unaware that Story Arcs give merits now, but still Siren's Call needs some goodies.



Story arcs already give you merits which you can save up for random rolls. Obviously most arcs aren't worth a full gold recipe on their own.

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Was unaware that Story Arcs gave merits now, have been gone for a little while. All the same though, I find that most Gold recipes aren't worth the gold they are made more gold!!!!!! NOA!