2 Tips for a player coming back from a LONG pause
Best primary: spines (for range) or elec (for most damage)
Best secondary: Regen, Nin, or WP
Best server: Freedom
Spines seems good at all. (If u close ur eyes cause it looks like horrible :P).
Elec sounds good, but is energy trnasfert really so good?
Energy Melee's not nearly as good as it used to be. They massively increased Energy Transfer's animation a while back (went from I think 0.67 to 2.67 seconds) - so Elec's better for all-out damage and Spines is better if you want some ranged stuff. Can't go wrong with Elec/WP or Spines/WP.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
If you move to Freedom be ready for racistic idiots here...
Greets from Germany...
They massively increased Energy Transfer's animation a while back (went from I think 0.67 to 2.67 seconds)
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Ahahah, u are right. I didn't seen (and how i can? Pinnacle's pvp zones are as populates as sahara).
But this suks.
Pinnacle zones tend to pick up somewhat at night.
Like, post-9 Central.
Well,I decided for an Elec/Wp Stalker.
Hope it still a good class, cause for anyreason i ll made a third char (for 2 more years at least ).
And hope they don't put ridicolous animations on these archetips too, offcourse.
Thx for help and see u around !
Don't attack me in sirens!
EM/SR is still one of the best stalkers, for hutning. As for dueling, i'm not quite sure. SR has elude, not only does it give u a big speed boost that doesn't disappear when you attack, but it is godly when used with aidself. EM has powerful click attacks. Yes, kick, barrage and energy punch may do more damage then total focus, but if u run by really fast, and the target is moving, you only have a split second to hit them with it. And total focus can even stun tanks for a second, letting u get a energy transfer in.
As for cor, there is damage and there is end draining. ele/thermal cor is a very nice end drainer. I can use the heat exhaustion and people's end will start to lower, without me attacking them. And it lasts 45 seconds.
Damage cor, isn't something i know very well. I would try sonic/ice. Sonic has -res which is nice and ice has major slows, a defense aura and the beloved benumb.
@Sentry4 @Sentry 4
PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.
And what about others powers?
I had Teleportation (self and foe) , Flight (Air Superiority and Fly) , Fitness (Swift, Health and Stamina) and offcourse Concelament (stealth).
But now, if teleport self doesn't work anymore in combat .. well that three doesn't sound so good.
And what about air superiority? Still good?
And the others? I really donnow what to take...
Hi mates. I'm back after 2 years and need some informations.

First: I played Energy/Ninjtzu Stalker since i leave, it was good. (donnow now).
I'm anyway thinking about make a new one, and i still donnow if i want another stalker or a corruptor.
Offcourse,in the first case, i'll don't wanna use the sames archetips.
So,this is the question: what's the bests archetips for a stalker right now? (offcourse i'm talking about pvp).
And for a corruptor?
Second question: The SERVER.
I'm going up and down for pvp zones from yesterday on Pinnacle.. and,well, i never find anything wasn't a mob
So, what's the best server for a pvp player?
Thanx a lot and pls forgive my bad english.. i talk better than how i write.
Cya from Italy.