If we can customize their appearance and/or rename them for our particular custom group, so much the better.
Alternate: new power sets corresponding to the above for use with custom critters. I want a street thug with a saturday night special and a switchblade without having to make him a Hellion or a Skull. (The Street Thug attack set!) I want a robot without having to make him a Clockwork or a Mek Man (or an overpowered custom hero). And so forth.
Let's see some generic enemy types for use in MA!
Street Thug
and so forth. Add your suggestions to the thread.
If we can customize their appearance and/or rename them for our particular custom group, so much the better.
Alternate: new power sets corresponding to the above for use with custom critters. I want a street thug with a saturday night special and a switchblade without having to make him a Hellion or a Skull. (The Street Thug attack set!) I want a robot without having to make him a Clockwork or a Mek Man (or an overpowered custom hero). And so forth.