Looking for maps that go 'down'




Anyone know of some? I mean go 'down' as in instead of the elevators that connect different floors having up arrows, they have down ones, essentially starting the player off on the top floor instead of the bottom.

The only map I've found so far that has this is the Portal Corp 02 (or was it 01? You know, the one where you enter through a portal), but I know I've seen at least 1 office map in the normal arcs that has this, and I think I've run across a tech lab one too. Does anyone have any knowledge of which maps have this?

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




I've seen the office one in an MA arc but I can't recall which arc it was in. I do recall it was a pretty large map though, like four floors, so maybe that'll help you narrow it down a little.

I'm so helpful. :P



There was a thread on the UK side that showed the actual map images (not screenshots like in the wiki), but I haven't been able to find it again.

I know I've played one in a regular mission, standard office map w/ five floors and the middle three being tiny. I've also seen a tech map too.

When I ran the office one, like an idiot I got turned around clicked the up elevator and wandered two floors trying to figure out where the mobs were.



OK, just checked. Office - Medium - #9 starts on the fifth floor.



Cool, thanks. Any chance you recall which group the tech one was under - small, medium, large?

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Sorry, I don't. The office one was kinda easy, because I remembered the floors were so small and there were five, which suggested medium. There were only two or three in medium w/ 5 floors and hit it on my first attempt.

I tried a couple of the mediums in tech (19,20), but no luck. I'll poke around some more, too.