I'd just picked up a "hunt CoT" mission after I edited my favorite arc to make sure the patch didn't kill it. (it survived)
So Cadeo Kestrel just handed me the mission when I look off in the distance and see This
I think, "Ahh, the circle of thorns up to no good again!"
Then it starts to hit me, all the critters it's got layered there are in the MArc i just edited and they're doing the "giant green smoke thingy" (known as "captured (floating struggle)) animation in the mission. Are the two connected? I think so.
So I'd like to propose an experiment, could someone else edit their arc from the Founders' Falls AE station and then check the North-East corner of Founders' Falls? I'd like to see if this is repeatable.
A thank you to the wonderful people of the protector server known as the Bamas for confirming he only appears on my computer.
I'd just picked up a "hunt CoT" mission after I edited my favorite arc to make sure the patch didn't kill it. (it survived)
So Cadeo Kestrel just handed me the mission when I look off in the distance and see
I think, "Ahh, the circle of thorns up to no good again!"
I arrive at the scene. I am greeted by
a thing!
from another angle
I decided to take a closer look.
It's still creepy
Then it starts to hit me, all the critters it's got layered there are in the MArc i just edited and they're doing the "giant green smoke thingy" (known as "captured (floating struggle)) animation in the mission. Are the two connected? I think so.
So I'd like to propose an experiment, could someone else edit their arc from the Founders' Falls AE station and then check the North-East corner of Founders' Falls? I'd like to see if this is repeatable.
A thank you to the wonderful people of the protector server known as the Bamas for confirming he only appears on my computer.