What pool is Zephyr in?




I know the Blessing of the Zephyr KB is pool D (TF) and 1 is a Pool B (Mission), but is the 3rd one a Pool A common or Rare? Paragon Wiki jsut says defeat enemies. Curious if I should roll Bronze or Silver to get a good shot at it?



I know the Blessing of the Zephyr KB is pool D (TF) and 1 is a Pool B (Mission), but is the 3rd one a Pool A common or Rare? Paragon Wiki jsut says defeat enemies. Curious if I should roll Bronze or Silver to get a good shot at it?

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The BotZ -KB is in the Pool formerly known as C.
The BotZ range/end is Pool B.
BotZ Range is Pool A (rare).

So either way roll Silver, since it includes both Pool A (rare) AND Pool B.

Repeat Offenders



Thanks. One more question real quick instead of starting a new topic, Is there anywhere I can see a list of the new pvp enhancements? A list of what there is and their bonuses? Wiki has base info listed, but you have to know what the name of the set is to find it.



You might just want to buy your Zephyr: Travels. Their price has fluctuated wildly recently on teh marketz, and they're pretty affordable now. Or, just set some low bids and wait a day or two.