Returning for the Anniversary and Confused




Id love to experience the user created content, but Im confused about how to access it. I went to the building, went to a computer panel, and found where I can sort and choose the mishes. I even go so far as to pick a mish. Its once Im in the mish that the trouble begins. Im warned that I cannot access any other contacts, which is fine, but I cant find any contatct, mission indicators, or waypoints for the mish! Im standing in the AE building with no idea where to go! Is it because Im solo? What am I missing?



In the same room as the console you used to choose a mission, there is a big column of light, all around it are AE Holograms that are your "contacts".

Talk to them as you would any other contact.

You can get insp.'s there and do missions. Never have to leave the building if you don't want to.

Hope that helps



I hope so too, thank you for the speedy reply, Im really excited to see what the players have come up with!