Test Only Difficullty




With the advent of the Architect system it can turn gaers into what most always wanted to be Developers. There are many really good stories out there and many Farmin teams. The bad news is when you design your own story and test it for bugs like proper use of annimations or dialog are to be sure a chain works properly you have to play the test version without gaining XP or insperations. Normally this would be fine for a test but you still play it at your current difficulty setting and even at the lowest setting this can be impossible to test solo. gaining XP and new insperations gives you the abaility to replenish your self in combat. Testing should have its own way lower difficulty setting since you are not gaining anything by it just check for proper functioning of the game. Even Developers and Testers have special God modes or test only difficulty settings when testing for proper functioning of a mission. One can not test a chain that happens after an elite boss is defeated if one can not defeat the elite boss solo in test mode. Which leaves alot of players publishing untested missions and getting a team together and playing a bad published mission.



With the advent of the Architect system it can turn gamers into what most always wanted to be, Developers. There are many really good stories out there and many Farmin' teams.
The bad news is when you design your own story and test it for bugs like proper use of animations or dialog are to be sure a chain works properly you have to play the test version without gaining XP or inspirations. Normally this would be fine for a test but you still play it at your current difficulty setting and even at the lowest setting this can be impossible to test solo. Gaining XP and new inspirations gives you the ability to replenish yourself in combat.
Testing should have its own way lower difficulty setting since you are not gaining anything by it just check for proper functioning of the game. Even Developers and Testers have special God modes or test only difficulty settings when testing for proper functioning of a mission.
One can not test a chain that happens after an elite boss is defeated if one can not defeat the elite boss solo in test mode. Which leaves alot of players publishing untested missions and getting a team together and playing a bad published mission.

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Perhaps use Bosses, rather than EB's? Then maybe change the Bosses to EB's at the very last minute before publishing if you don't want your arc to be soloable by most characters.
I get tired of seeing EB's in arcs after a while. Maybe it's just me.