Super Reflexes vs. Super Strength in PvP, Help?




Hey everybody. Got a couple of questions if anyone is willing to listen. I have played a Kat/SR in PvP for nearly 2 years. At first I couldn't dodge anything (most anything). It got to the point where I was 2 shotted by stalkers 16 times in a row and due to such I almost quit PvP forever but recently with IOs and PvP rebalancing SR has done relatively ok when Fully IOd. This peaked my inteest again and designed my char to excell in melee combat, (59%def PvE, 38% def PvP). However amidst my many battles I found that against Super Strength I cannot dodge nearly any of its attacks with rage active and I have faced some who can perma it. Outside of SS there are some arcs that nullify my SR due to Tactics, Focused Acc with various set bonuses designed to kill me althoguh they are not as common as perma raging Super Strength (I am fine with these arcs for they worked hard to boost their acc). I feel like I have just gone back to being obsolete even though I have worked my [censored] off to adapt and overcome. I have reached the point of my potential, I believe, and am unable to overcome Super Strength in any way. The question I want to ask is, what are the devs doing/done to keep the system balanced? PvP is fun until there is one arc that owns most others. And Super Strength has proven itself against most all Defenses/Resistances, especially brutes. My second question comes in light of my first. The Devs knew the power of Super Strength's Rage but has, in my experience in pvp (which is nearly every day), not changed to keep in balance with the other powers, so I must ask why did they not alter this specific issue? If anyone has a good explination please help me out.



The devs have zero concept of balance because they have never PvP'd in this game at all.

So to answer your question, it's the same reason why the entire game is unbalanced to the point of absurdity and only a few select builds can compete. Because to balance something, you have to have at least a slight understanding of what you're doing.



It's called rock, paper, scissors meaning, everyone has an Achilles heal, a build that is very good versus it. And actually in i13 pvp with the elusiveness deal SR users were gods for that whole issue, and not even SS users were a problem. Where were you? I seen whole teams of villains attacking a well slotted elude using scrapper and couldn't kill him. So maybe your build wasn't as good as you might have fathomed?

So what happened you ask? Some of the same cry babies that landed us in this predicament (i13/14) cried and it was nerfed to near uselessness again. Mind you elustivity was a tad OP'd especially PFF but it at least made sense to me lol. Id rather something be strong even very strong rather than be useless.

Oh and stop nerf hearding btw lol, get over SS it's fine the way it is. Cry for a SR buff, don't cry trying to nerf stuff even further.

The funny thing is, even though you seem like one of the whiners that got the changes made in the first place, you're probably still bad..------Macskull on Crop_of_shaolin



---^some of this^---

to-hit is a roll of the dice, Hints to-hit roll. When building +to hit ATs your just looking to increase your odds. There’s no full proof. Even when High Acc blasters spike with Aim+BU there pretty much at cap to-hit, they can still miss. Its just unlikely,,,

The goal is not to make SRs un hittable, which now they aren’t. But they should still be an effective set. Which I think it still is. I know a few good people that run SR stalkers. Every build has its weakness. In zone your more likely to encounter some one that can exploited it. Theoretically including probability, every AT should die about the same amount in zone. UNLESS your teamed up, that is the wild card. If your running solo, there is no reason why you should think you can run through the zone with out being killed, and often.

In conclusion because of people like you who have not taken enough time to learn the mechanics of the system. We have i13 and i14, before you yell out “MY AT IS BROKEN” you should stop and take time to use your brain and think about what’s really going on. There isn’t a single AT in this game who should be able to Solo zone pvp as good as doing it on a team PERIOD. In fact I see no point in solo zone pvp at all unless you want to fight klub. Which we have arena for that, my idea of zone pvp would consist of several small teams working with different purposes.