What does my mission look like with 8 people?




Two questions, and thanks in advance!

1) Is there a way to preview a mission set for a large team? I find it difficult to get people (let alone a full team) to test something, so I never really know what it's like with a full team.

2) Can you test a specific mission in your arc, or do you have to play through from #1?



Two questions, and thanks in advance!

1) Is there a way to preview a mission set for a large team? I find it difficult to get people (let alone a full team) to test something, so I never really know what it's like with a full team.

2) Can you test a specific mission in your arc, or do you have to play through from #1?

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1. Not that I'm aware of. Closest you can get is to set it to level 4 ( 1 below invinc ). I've also noticed that if you add allies, the difficulty seems to go up.

2. In test mode, you can click and drag a mission to the number 1 slot. Then when you're done, you can drag it back to the proper position.

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