Hello! I have recently been half-contracted to help with making certain dialog less wooden, and I would like to open this thread to see if others would like similar help. I love writing, as well as seeing other peoples work, so I hope that this works out. for all of you who bore witness to my unfortunate spamming, I wou;d Like to apologise again for the pointless inturruption of your reading (no sarcasm)
See you soon!
Hello! I have recently been half-contracted to help with making certain dialog less wooden, and I would like to open this thread to see if others would like similar help. I love writing, as well as seeing other peoples work, so I hope that this works out. for all of you who bore witness to my unfortunate spamming, I wou;d Like to apologise again for the pointless inturruption of your reading (no sarcasm)
See you soon!