Help: Boss Spawn Triggered by Hostage Objective




There are two options for a boss to spawn when rescuing a hostage that you must lead to the exit.
I guess I don't understand these options because I've tried them both, and neither one gives me the desired effect.
So, if you understand the two options, please explain them to me...

My desired effect is this:

You're in the back of the mission, you rescue the hostage, and have to lead them to the mission door.
On your way there, you discover a boss has spawned at the front of the mission to stop you from exiting, and must pass him to get the hostage out.

So far, the actual effect has been:

You're in the back of the mission, you rescue the hostage, lead him out, THEN the boss spawns, making you back track a little to find the boss and defeat him, even though the mission is effectively over.

What's an author to do?



Maybe it just has to do with the size of the map? On, for example, a ship map, you can be halfways to the exit or more with a rescue before any enemies spawn. How small is your map? If it's only a bank map or so, maybe that's the reason.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



Hey fellow champion-ite!

I've got a mission that does's your problem (I think): your boss spawn trigger is set to hostage arrival completion when you want it to be hostage rescue completion.

Arrival will mean the boss spawns after the hostage is lead to safety...rescue is after the hostage has been freed, but not escorted to safety.

Added detail: Eis. could be right too.



Thanks, I'll give it another try.

It's a standard warehouse map, not too big. The boss spawns where I want it to, it just doesn't spawn *when* I want it to.

Anywho, I'll let you know how it goes



Okay, so I've got two options

Escort: "NPC Name" is completed
Escort: "NPC Name" after Rescue is completed

Which one do I want for my desired effect? They sound the same to me lol...



After rescue.



whichever one you have it on that isn't working as you desire - you probably want the other one.



^Problem is I thought I had tried both and it seemed the outcome was the same.

In reality some glitch had caused it to return to the previous settings.

I changed it, ran it, and it worked right. I went back to edit a little more and noticed the setting had switched back... again!

But at least I know which option to choose now. Thanks!