Buffing allies in MA missions
I was on a mission and I got some allies on my way to fight the big bad guy at the end. They buffed me when I freed them, but not after that. Is that a known problem or is there a way to set up allies so they will consistently buff you? I was enjoying looking like I was set on fire with all the thermal buffs.
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Give 'em some time to realize the buff's worn off before shoving them at targets of opportunity.
Also, only one ally can buff you at any given time. This is to prevent people from making, say, an army of extreme thermal/standard radiation blast enemies and capping their resists, to-hit, and damage bonuses.
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Yeah, you really only get useful buffing if you have one (1) ally with you. Any more than that and they may be spending their time buffing other allies instead of you!

I was on a mission and I got some allies on my way to fight the big bad guy at the end. They buffed me when I freed them, but not after that. Is that a known problem or is there a way to set up allies so they will consistently buff you? I was enjoying looking like I was set on fire with all the thermal buffs.