Custom Critters with Tank/Scrapper powersets
It depends on what level you set them to. Standard, Hard, and Extreme are your options. Extreme is the only setting they have status protection on. Extreme means they have every power available to that set, and they will use all of them. A Dark Armor NPC set to Extreme has Dark Embrace, Murky Cloud, Death Shroud, Obsidian Shield, and Oppressive Gloom, and runs all of them at once. They will also rez the second they hit the ground if there is anyone in melee range of them. A DM/DA AV set to Extreme is a very nasty critter.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Hmmm, thanks, I guess they were just set up to be difficult. I will have to continue trying arcs.
Actually, Dark Armor CustomNPCs get Obsidian Shield even on Easy, so they will always have mez protection no matter what you do. (They get Obsidian, Murky and Dark Embrace on easy.)
Additionally (at least with the toggle protections) they are always running it, unlike normal mobs which won't generally activate toggles until they're aware of your presence, which means (in the case of any custom mob with a toggle mez protection power) there's never a time where you can get the jump on them and mez them before they can activate their protection.
Since player mez Protection powers are pretty universal in their coverage, that basically means that Controllers and Dominators are pretty much always going to be at a disadvantage vs CustomNPCs.

Some defense sets have their status protection spreaded out.
Fiery Aura for example, has their status protections with their resist shields. Dark Armor has their status protections again shared among its resist shields.
Do all the custom critters with defense/resist/regen sets have status protection, and do they toggle up as soon as you meet them? This seemed to be happening with the missions I was running but I'm not sure if that is just the way it always is or a deliberate intention of the arc builders.
Can you create custom critters that have "basic" behaviours like existing mobs?
If I make an arc I don't want to make controllers cry too much.