Invalid Name
Fairchild. Any time the game's telling you that just google the problem name along with "comic book" and you should turn up an answer.
Do you UHVU?
Orpheus Initiative | Parts Unknown
League of Misfits | The Reciprocators
Oh jeez that's just pushing it. The character is named after the base where my boyfriend had his air force training.
This is ridiculous. They just need to eliminate the filters from the MA. Far too many everyday words are superhero names, far too many everyday words contain a name or "profanity" somewhere in them, and the "profanity" filter itself is full of stuff that is completely innocuous outside of specific contexts.
"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty."
"Nothing is unchangeable but the inherent and unalienable rights of man."
- Thomas Jefferson
This is ridiculous. They just need to eliminate the filters from the MA. Far too many everyday words are superhero names, far too many everyday words contain a name or "profanity" somewhere in them, and the "profanity" filter itself is full of stuff that is completely innocuous outside of specific contexts.
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for instance don't include cockroaches, or make a story involving Dick van [censored]. Which reminds me of the first BBS I ever went to had filters that strict. nothing is more annoying then trying to find a single word in a paragraph you use in everyday life that is making a post get tossed out. I don't want the MA to be like that.
This is ridiculous. They just need to eliminate the filters from the MA.
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I disagree (mostly because that's NEVER going to happen). They need to fix the list they've got, and have it only apply to names, not common text words. No need to throw babies out with bathwater, as it were.
Dec out.
This is ridiculous. They just need to eliminate the filters from the MA. Far too many everyday words are superhero names, far too many everyday words contain a name or "profanity" somewhere in them, and the "profanity" filter itself is full of stuff that is completely innocuous outside of specific contexts.
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I think it would be abused, there is a whole lot of stupid in the world at times. This is rated T for teen though a lot of adults play it and children play it.
By having filters in check they're not only protecting their own butts from potential legal action. They're also making sure some unsupervised teen or child who doesn't need to see a lot of foul language (imho) is protected.
This is a bug, nothing more. Please put away the tin-foil hats, there's nothing sinister going on here.-Protea
I can empathize. I had to be a little clever in my Norse Gods arc, because Thor is also the name of a Marvel character.
Have you considered trying names like Fairechild, Farechild, or Fairchyld?
I can empathize. I had to be a little clever in my Norse Gods arc, because Thor is also the name of a Marvel character.
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That's actually one of the easier ones, as the god was in the pantheon of a half a dozen different language speaking areas and has lots of names. Thunor, Donar, Tor...also it's somewhat Germanic, so non-functional umlauts can make it look OK, too (Thör).
Dec out.
That's actually one of the easier ones, as the god was in the pantheon of a half a dozen different language speaking areas and has lots of names. Thunor, Donar, Tor...also it's somewhat Germanic, so non-functional umlauts can make it look OK, too (Thör).
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True. The issue is, making sure it's a name most people are going to recognize. Especially when an arc's designed more for the gimmick than the powerful story.
Oh, agreed. Although the hammer and horned helmet usually spells it out pretty well.
Dec out.
I can empathize. I had to be a little clever in my Norse Gods arc, because Thor is also the name of a Marvel character.
Have you considered trying names like Fairechild, Farechild, or Fairchyld?
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Did that. What worries me however, if that if the MA won't allow "Lady Fairchild" (even though the comic book character's name is just Fairchild) are they going to "fix" my boyfriend's game character? She's been Lady Fairchild for the past five years!
The list they're using is far more intrusive than what's allowed in the game, for some reason. I'm hoping it's a bug or an oversight, because it affects ALL the text, not just the names. Silly to not be able to even "say" any of these words.
Dec out.
My boyfriend and I are creating a story with some of our hero character for our villains to fight. However, when we tried to create my boyfriend's hero, "Lady Fairchild" it kept telling us "invalid name". We tried different combinations and ultimately found that the game did not like the word Fairchild. Any ideas why?