Tell me there's a way to do this...
You can drag and drop mission tabs. Take the one you want to test and put it in front.
Yeah. That's how I'm doing it.
H: Victra Defile (Rad/Dark) & Hot Hits (Fire/SD)
V: Spike Cream (NW) & Crescent Wind (Nin/Storm)
Sub Hero Inc ARC: 1541
--If you don't like what I have to say, it was probably a typo you are refering to.
The one thing that really, REALLY started to bug me last night, was having to run through the mission I was happy with in order to get to the mission i was working on. Please GOD tell me theres some why i'm missing to test mission individually... PLEASE. I can't imagain having to run the whole story arch to bug check mission 5... that accually may kill this whole thing for me.
@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...