Arc increased in size when transferred to live




I have had arcs that increased in size after publication. "Lawyers of Ghastly Horror", ID in my signature, is published and playable but not editable, because opening it in the editor puts it over the limit.

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How big was it prior to publication and how big is it when you click "edit"? Also was this edited and published entirely on Live or is it a migrated DC arc?

And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



I have had arcs that increased in size after publication. "Lawyers of Ghastly Horror", ID in my signature, is published and playable but not editable, because opening it in the editor puts it over the limit.

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Did you change any of the custom groups the arc uses (if any) between publish and your attempt to edit? I realize the answer is probably 'no', but I have done that and, as a result, the published arc goes over the size limit if I open it in the editor (of course, if you play the published arc, the custom group stays the way it was before you made the change).

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)



I have had arcs that increased in size after publication. "Lawyers of Ghastly Horror", ID in my signature, is published and playable but not editable, because opening it in the editor puts it over the limit.

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Did you change any of the custom groups the arc uses (if any) between publish and your attempt to edit? I realize the answer is probably 'no', but I have done that and, as a result, the published arc goes over the size limit if I open it in the editor (of course, if you play the published arc, the custom group stays the way it was before you made the change).

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Ah, right - there is a very subtle behavior at work here. When you edit a published arc, it uses the mission as configured when you published. But - and this is a big but, maybe a BUT - missions always absorb changes made to critter and group files by rereading them from your local files when you edit. The story arc file won't actually be different until you re-save or re-publish, but the changes are absorbed immediately.

That's not what happened to me or the OP, though. I copied all the files over together.

And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



No, the custom group for the mission was made entirely for that mission, and did not change. The mission was ported from Test and saved the day before from the last Test live version.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



I have this problem as well HOWEVER, I can publish my arc. Maybe you guys can too.

Instead of trying to Save and Publish from within the MA edit interface I saved my file locally even though it was a hair to large. The I went to my local stories and noticed publish was lit up like I could use it and it worked!

On test Arc is 15171
On Live Arc is 6768

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I just checked this out. Nope. Won't work for me. My arc grew also.

I never published it on test. But I tested it on the test server. It's fine there. On live, nope.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



My arc grew also.

I never published it on test. But I tested it on the test server. It's fine there. On live, nope.

[/ QUOTE ]


After slashing and burning to get the arc below the limit, I STILL cannot publish it. Or test it. There are no errors showing. It's under the size limit. Can't play it at all.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



For the arc I cannot publish, that I reference earilier in this thread, it is below 100%. I cannot select test or publish from the main screen, but when I am in the editing mode the option to save and test does work. I will let me test from there. That does not really help any one, but it is a quirk of the system. At least until I find the magic bullet to publilsh, I can at least play it in test to see if any weirdness pops up.

And from what Zubs just said, I think I will recreate the arc from scratch. I can use the original file to retype the details. If that fails then I will redo my custom critters from scratch as well. Though one of my test missions does use one the critter groups and gives me the option to publish, so I am leaning more on the story mechanism and not the critter files.

Pillars of Might
Darc Ranger [Blas] / Darc Nebula [Cont]
The Bikini Patrol
Darc Lighter:51-[Blas] / Darc Lady:50-[Tank]
The Panty Raiders
Aegis Magnus [MM] / Atomic Spector [Cor] / Dominar Sefus [Dom]
-Darc Ranger [Def]



Well, I trimmed my arc down to 99.7% by removing some details and shortening text... and I still can't publish my mission. I can test from within the editor, but from the outside page, publish and test are both grayed out.

This is incredibly frustrating. The arc works fine on Test.

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I had that happen. After doing a copy/paste on every text field and then comparing the .storyarc file with the original, I found that there were a couple dialog boxes that were saved from Test using an older format from a few patches back. They finally got updated to the new format and the arc was publishable on live.

The issue was in a description box for a Hostage. It's supposed to be quote-contained now but it was in the file all nbsp; limited.



Well, I trimmed my arc down to 99.7% by removing some details and shortening text... and I still can't publish my mission. I can test from within the editor, but from the outside page, publish and test are both grayed out.

This is incredibly frustrating. The arc works fine on Test.

[/ QUOTE ]

I had that happen. After doing a copy/paste on every text field and then comparing the .storyarc file with the original, I found that there were a couple dialog boxes that were saved from Test using an older format from a few patches back. They finally got updated to the new format and the arc was publishable on live.

The issue was in a description box for a Hostage. It's supposed to be quote-contained now but it was in the file all nbsp; limited.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not only did I already do that (a few patches back), the exact same story arc file is publishable on Test but not on Live. I don't think that's a matter of having old data in the file - something in the software is different between Test and Live even though it's not supposed to be.

And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



My arc grew also.

I never published it on test. But I tested it on the test server. It's fine there. On live, nope.

[/ QUOTE ]


After slashing and burning to get the arc below the limit, I STILL cannot publish it. Or test it. There are no errors showing. It's under the size limit. Can't play it at all.

[/ QUOTE ]

When I got the file just below 100%, I could test from within the MA interface but not publish; by deleting more stuff (as a test only, as the story doesn't make sense without those details) to get it down around 99%, it became publishable. So I think it's a matter of the limits not being set consistently between the edit-validator and the publish-validator.

And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



My arc grew also.

I never published it on test. But I tested it on the test server. It's fine there. On live, nope.

[/ QUOTE ]


After slashing and burning to get the arc below the limit, I STILL cannot publish it. Or test it. There are no errors showing. It's under the size limit. Can't play it at all.

[/ QUOTE ]

When I got the file just below 100%, I could test from within the MA interface but not publish; by deleting more stuff (as a test only, as the story doesn't make sense without those details) to get it down around 99%, it became publishable. So I think it's a matter of the limits not being set consistently between the edit-validator and the publish-validator.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have to kill MORE of my arc?????

[censored], [censored], [censored], [censored], [censored], [censored], [censored].

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



I have to kill MORE of my arc?????

[censored], [censored], [censored], [censored], [censored], [censored], [censored].

[/ QUOTE ]

I have it below 98.5%, and NOW I can test and publish.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Well, I trimmed my arc down to 99.7% by removing some details and shortening text... and I still can't publish my mission. I can test from within the editor, but from the outside page, publish and test are both grayed out.

This is incredibly frustrating. The arc works fine on Test.

[/ QUOTE ]

I had that happen. After doing a copy/paste on every text field and then comparing the .storyarc file with the original, I found that there were a couple dialog boxes that were saved from Test using an older format from a few patches back. They finally got updated to the new format and the arc was publishable on live.

The issue was in a description box for a Hostage. It's supposed to be quote-contained now but it was in the file all nbsp; limited.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not only did I already do that (a few patches back), the exact same story arc file is publishable on Test but not on Live. I don't think that's a matter of having old data in the file - something in the software is different between Test and Live even though it's not supposed to be.

[/ QUOTE ]

This was an arc that was publishable on Test, it is on Test still. This file I tried to take over to live is the backup I saved on Wednesday morning and yet it got saved in a way that made it unpublishable on Live.



This was an arc that was publishable on Test, it is on Test still. This file I tried to take over to live is the backup I saved on Wednesday morning and yet it got saved in a way that made it unpublishable on Live.

[/ QUOTE ]

Is its size above 98%? If so, try slashing it like I had to. See if that does it.

This isn't to say that such a thing is acceptable, of course. But it will tell us more about what the problem is.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



This was an arc that was publishable on Test, it is on Test still. This file I tried to take over to live is the backup I saved on Wednesday morning and yet it got saved in a way that made it unpublishable on Live.

[/ QUOTE ]

Is its size above 98%? If so, try slashing it like I had to. See if that does it.

This isn't to say that such a thing is acceptable, of course. But it will tell us more about what the problem is.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think we've determined that the problem is size, yes? I'm not sure what this would prove.

To Lazarus, I'm 99.47% certain (pun intended) that I eliminated all &amp;nbsp spam from the file that doesn't need to be there. I can check again but I really doubt that's the issue.

And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



I think we've determined that the problem is size, yes? I'm not sure what this would prove.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think we're in the process of determining that. One or two data points is generally not considered sufficient "proof." A few more would help.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



I think we've determined that the problem is size, yes? I'm not sure what this would prove.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think we're in the process of determining that. One or two data points is generally not considered sufficient "proof." A few more would help.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, I just edited my arc to get rid of the last remaining &amp;nbsp reference (which was in a file name - wasn't sure if it was safe to get rid of). That lowered the file size by a surprising .15%, getting me down to 99.32%.

Still couldn't publish. So then I went through and replaced all my two-space sentence separators by one space (I'm old school and was trained to put two spaces between all sentences when I learned to type). That got it down to 99.17%.

And viola - now the arc is publishable. Looks like the publish point is somewhere in the 99.2% range.

And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



Looks like the publish point is somewhere in the 99.2% range.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now you see, this demonstrates what I just said about getting more datapoints. For me, the limit is around 98.6%.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Ok after editing things I did get it down to 93.56% and it still did not work. I then tried the save and test, and found a clue. As I said yesterday I could get into test mode, but after my edits I could not. My clue was a popup that said "Field objectcomplete" basically had too much text.

I had no clue what that field was. So after searching the boards for info about the error I decided to search the mission text file for the file. I found the code "Objectcomplete" in the file. It was part of the clue detail in for a collection in one of the missions. I reduced the text in the field. I had more than one so I redited all of them. I found one was 98/100. It was all text no other encoding. I was given the option to publish it at 93.56%. So I went in and re-added a critical critter. I save it and found I could still publish.

So between my other edits and this last one I got it to work and it was upto 98.53%.

The other changes where to clean up so misspelling and fix story errors like that.

Pillars of Might
Darc Ranger [Blas] / Darc Nebula [Cont]
The Bikini Patrol
Darc Lighter:51-[Blas] / Darc Lady:50-[Tank]
The Panty Raiders
Aegis Magnus [MM] / Atomic Spector [Cor] / Dominar Sefus [Dom]
-Darc Ranger [Def]



I had the same issue and found a way around it. my arc grew from 98.64 to 99.96. I went into the local arc and changed one of my custom critters to one that was already used elsewhere, making certain they had different names. That dropped the file size to 94% or so and I was able to publish. I then edited the published story, changing the critter back to the original, and then republished - which it allowed me to do. I have not played it yet to see if there are any problems, but this seems to have worked.

I will test tomorrow and update the post.

My first 50 of each AT on Triumph:
Tempest Master: Defender; Puppy: Master Mind; Dr Hypochondria: Controller; RubberCop: Tanker; Gleipnir: Scrapper; Viridian Widow: Widow; Mr Atlantis: Blaster; Storm Lord: Dominator; Quetzacouatl: - Peacebringer; DogStar: Corruptor; Lightning Strikes: Stalker; Lord of Brass: Brute; Mr. Cygnus X-1: Warshade




FYI, this morning's patch did not address this issue for me.

And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



I recently returned to this issue through a "brute-force" test - I attempted to create a duplicate of one of my published arcs by recreating it from scratch. Doing so resulted in an over-sized arc, which I am nevertheless given the option of publishing.

Nevertheless, the same arc is still under the size limit on Test.

Arc Name: A Tooth For A Tooth
Test Mission ID# 19856 (File size 99.65%)
Live Mission ID# 10173 (File size 102.04%)

An unfortunate side-effect of this file-bloating bug is that while I've been able to [u]publish[u] this arc on Live, I cannot Edit and Republish it. If I wanted to Edit and Republish the active story, I'd have to cut enough material to bring it back down below 100% on Live, or else Unpublish it, edit the original Local file, and Publish that again - thereby losing all of the ratings that I've received thus far.

This is depressing, since I was fortunate enough to get some Dev feedback saying that he enjoyed the arc, and what I could do to edit it to possibly make it worthy of a Dev's Choice. And the edit in question would be really simple to do, pretty much just changing some of the briefing text to warn that the final mission will probably require some teammates to handle. But I can't make that change without either gutting my story of a lot more text than should be necessary, or just unpublishing it and starting again.