New Art To See




Wow, it has been a long time since I have had art to post. Anything in the last 6 months is on my journal on DA. I just got this one in and I am in love with it!

Charongoyle has finished my Dark Lilac at last and it was so worth the wait. This is her new look that I designed back in the beginning of the year which you can see Here . She lost her veil on the commission but I think that's because she wants to show off those lips, hehe.

Anyway....what a nice thing to go out with. In January my account will be expiring and after nearly 5 years...Yea...that's about it for CoX and me for now.

I'll still be lurking and checking out new arts though




"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Congratulations, that is a wonderful piece. Too bad you're going, although 5 years is quite a run.



That is an amazing piece!

Great details!


I hope its a break more than a goodbye ... take care Lilac.

Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
Char Site | My DeviantArt



Thanks everyone. It's been a good run, certainly things I'll miss. It's a little sad but I can still keep up with things and I won't say never to coming back



OMG I want her hair she's fantastic!



That piece is absolutely lovely, I don't see you much but I love your character design, and you'll be missed.



Wow, very nice!