Iron Maidens of Pinnacle Costume Contest




I really enjoyed the color palette based costume contest we had the last few months, but it seems to have died out. So, in the spirit of that, and in a thinly veiled attempt to plug my awesome supergroup, the Iron Maidens, I'm going to start up a new one!

Here are the rules:

1: Timeframe
The contest will be biweekly, starting today and with each subsequent period ending on a Sunday. These periods will be in between the Iron Maidens biweekly meetings. To clarify, this first one will accept entries until the 26th. I'll put up a new one then, and every two weeks after.

2: Qualifying entries
Each person may make one qualifying entry. This entry will consist of one or more screen shots of the costume entered, with at least one being from the front, one from the back, and one from the side. Any more than this are optional but are encouraged, including action shots and collage images. The costume may contain any pieces the character has access to, including those others may not be able to use, but costume colors must be limited exclusively to those in the palette. ALL the colors in the palette must be used at least once. Hair and skin colors may be excluded at the entrant's option from palette requirements, but makeup or tattoos if used must be from the palette. Images should be hosted by the submitter, and access to them should be made here.

3: Judging
Images will be judged at each Iron Maidens meeting. Each member of the group present will have one vote. Each group leader will have two votes, which may not both be cast for the same entry. The three entries with the most total votes will each win a fabulous noprize! Entries made by myself or any other Iron Maidens will not be eligible to win, but will still be available for public viewing. Additional prizes will be considered.

To begin the new contest, I present you with the first palette, garnered with I hope no legal issues from the website :




Here's my own contribution. Nobody else interested in reviving this?

The Instrument



I fixed the image, so now it's big enough to actually see.



I'd just like to say I like your character design, it makes me want to actually read the bio, which I don't normally feel compelled to do.



Never actually filled it out for this character. I like to write all mine in character, and then I end up not playing them often enough to build up the motivation to do that. But I can tell you the origin story:

The Instrument is actually the daughter of the real villain, who plots behind the scenes. He was a technician working to improve an advanced mind/machine interface device. The Gold Brickers raided the lab to steal the technology and killed him in the process of a test, at which point his mind was still within the test computer. With his body destroyed, his mind within the machine was all that was left.

His daughter came in to find him as he was late getting home, and found the scene of carnage. Being a Rogue Isles resident she was no stranger to death, even that of her own father, and instead of panicking her first instinct was to find security footage of the raid with the intention of hiring one of the many local villains for revenge. Instead, when accessing the computer she finds her father speaking to her.

The problem is the technology was still far from perfect, and his mind is now far from intact. He is in fact quite insane and bent on not only revenge for his death, but for his mediocre place in life. He tricks her into using one of the MMI devices kept in storage which was not taken in the raid under the pretense of saving his life. In reality, he reforms her mind to make her the perfect tool to act out his will since he lacks a body of his own. Under his control, she downloads his mind into a portable computer system and makes off into the night with that system and the device.

Under this control she and what is left of her father go into hiding, where for the next several years she is slowly trained as a deadly assassin. Obsessed with destroying the Gold Brickers who caused his death, he makes her get gold metal implanted in her skin and even gold metal tattoos, creating not only innate armor but also a way to 'fight fire with fire,' with a weapon against the Gold Brickers in their own image.



Since no one has entered anything by the deadline, the first person who does will be the winner!

And, in the spirit of the season, here is the next palette:

Devil Nurse



That is actually one thing I didn't expect anyone to do. An old lady with a baseball bat. Nice! I like it. And, since you are the first person to enter after the deadline, you win by default! I will concoct a no-prize at once!

Somehow the veil on your second actually makes her look more nurse-like... which is unexpected, but pretty cool looking.



Hm... no interest eh? I'm going to spice things up a bit then, by offering a Non-No Prize.

I am now offering a free pencil drawing of the character of each winner's choice, starting with Gata!

These may take a while to produce, but I will guarantee each winner a drawing, in due time.

The current round will continue until the Iron Maidens meeting on December 14th. Speaking of which, here is my overdue contribution: Solstream!!



So... which palete is the current one for the contest?



Miss Begot

I used the camo pattern in the mid-range red over the scarred face to make it look like she has burn scars.

The horns are the darkest red at the bottom and the mid-range red at the top.

The lightest red is used as the accents on the chains and the chest pattern.

The pink is used on the boots.

The rest is pretty obvious



Woops... that's my fault. I will make the next palette image differently, but the grey beige is actually not part of the palette. Only the ones circled in red and shown at the bottom are, the one with the in-game selector highlight is just an artifact from my screenshot.

Like I said, my fault. I will edit that out next time. Sorry.



Oh, wow, thank you grower, hopefully this will pick up a little with no No Prize.

Do I still get an entry in the second contest or since I won the first one I'm disqualified?

Well let me look, hmm I think that Gata Amarilla would be closest to the color palette that I won with. You can pick any costume you like, but costume 1 and 5 have been drawn before, I think. So, I think it would be nice to get one of her other costumes drawn =^.^=

good luck with your contest