((This is a spin-off of Silence. It's only a tiny bit related to Silence, in the thought that Night Storage Inc. was responsible for bringing in the Vuron, but the Vuron don't exist.
You can work as a hero, villain, or basic security for Night Storage Inc.'s many warehouses. Or something else.)) Creeek... Creeek...
Those were the only sounds heard that night in Warehouse 14, one of many small warehouses located in Paragon that was owned by Night Storage Inc.
Night Storage Inc. was reffered to as a 'warehouse bank', safe storage, but unstead of for your money, it was your supplies and goods.
Every box was marked, and all unmarked boxes would be marked.
John, security for Warehouse 14, steathily creeped about the warehouse, his flashlight in one hand and his nightstick in the other.
His shining nametag reflected in the moonlight that pass through the sunroof. " JOHN " printed in red.
He was extremely worried that someone, or something had broken into the warehouse. He snuck around the corner and shone his flashlight on what seemed to be where the sound was coming from.
"Hey, Jimmy, there's someone here! Grab your gun!" hollered a deep, young-sounding voice.
John rushed to take cover behind one of the boxes. The two hellions opened fire on John's position.
But what he didn't know was that -anything- could be in the boxes. Animals, guns, weapons, even explosives. Night Storage hardly ever checks their storage if someone sneaks it in well enough. Once it's loaded into the truck, they don't bother to check it. The only check would be the scanner before it's loaded into the truck, and someone could easily bypass security with a box.
John decided to make a run for it. He sprinted toward the doorway, then stumbled his way outside.
The next day he reported to the police that someone was in there, and they were looking through storage.
Sure enough, the police checked and found two sleeping hellions, lying on boxes with a collection of miscellaneous items sorted around them. The police stared at John, like it was his fault.
And it almost was.
((There are two hundred warehouses in Paragon overall. You can really be anything you feel like RPing, why would it be closed? But at the top I suggested a few things.
Anyway, no controlling/godmoding, etc. basic rules, yada yada. Have fun RPing!))
((This is a spin-off of Silence. It's only a tiny bit related to Silence, in the thought that Night Storage Inc. was responsible for bringing in the Vuron, but the Vuron don't exist.
You can work as a hero, villain, or basic security for Night Storage Inc.'s many warehouses. Or something else.))
Creeek... Creeek...
Those were the only sounds heard that night in Warehouse 14, one of many small warehouses located in Paragon that was owned by Night Storage Inc.
Night Storage Inc. was reffered to as a 'warehouse bank', safe storage, but unstead of for your money, it was your supplies and goods.
Every box was marked, and all unmarked boxes would be marked.
John, security for Warehouse 14, steathily creeped about the warehouse, his flashlight in one hand and his nightstick in the other.
His shining nametag reflected in the moonlight that pass through the sunroof. " JOHN " printed in red.
He was extremely worried that someone, or something had broken into the warehouse. He snuck around the corner and shone his flashlight on what seemed to be where the sound was coming from.
"Hey, Jimmy, there's someone here! Grab your gun!" hollered a deep, young-sounding voice.
John rushed to take cover behind one of the boxes. The two hellions opened fire on John's position.
But what he didn't know was that -anything- could be in the boxes. Animals, guns, weapons, even explosives. Night Storage hardly ever checks their storage if someone sneaks it in well enough. Once it's loaded into the truck, they don't bother to check it. The only check would be the scanner before it's loaded into the truck, and someone could easily bypass security with a box.
John decided to make a run for it. He sprinted toward the doorway, then stumbled his way outside.
The next day he reported to the police that someone was in there, and they were looking through storage.
Sure enough, the police checked and found two sleeping hellions, lying on boxes with a collection of miscellaneous items sorted around them. The police stared at John, like it was his fault.
And it almost was.
((There are two hundred warehouses in Paragon overall. You can really be anything you feel like RPing, why would it be closed? But at the top I suggested a few things.
Anyway, no controlling/godmoding, etc. basic rules, yada yada. Have fun RPing!))