Tattooed TA?




My husband has a heart on one shoulder (about the size of a quarter), a vampire-goth chick on the other, a pegasus on his chest and a pair of wings on his back.

I've considered a tat, most likely the winged scarab of my dA avatar, but I'm rather squeamish about the whole cleanliness aspect of it.

"If I fail, they write me off as another statistic. If I succeed, they pay me a million bucks to fly out to Hollywood and fart." --- George A. Romero
"If I had any dignity, that would have been humiliating" --- Adam Savage
Virtue Server: Kheprera, Malefic Elf, Lady Omen, Night Rune, La Muerte Roja, Scarab Lafayette, Serena Ravensong, Kyrse, and Arachnavoodoo among others.



I've got a "tramp stamp" but it's not very typical of tramp stamps.

(Tramp stamps are tattoos on women in the small of the back. Usually tribals or flowers or hearts or something equally boring.)

I have thought of getting the defender symbol done. :x

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I usually call those "butt hats"

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



I usually call those "butt hats"

[/ QUOTE ]

My fine sir, u just provided me with a full 5 minutes of rolling on the floor and the inability to breathe. My hat is off to you.

Lord Askari lvl 50 Stalker Freedumb
Askari's Wrath lvl 50 Brute Freedom
Ultimate Askari lvl 31 Fort Freedom
Obsidian Magnum lvl 19 Corr Freedom
other lowbies not worth mentioning
My Deviant site



I usually call those "butt hats"

[/ QUOTE ]

My fine sir, u just provided me with a full 5 minutes of rolling on the floor and the inability to breathe. My hat is off to you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your butt hat?

I have a couple tats. One of them sucks and one of them needs work. It's been years since I've had any ink done. I'm past due. Just gotta find the money to get a decent artist to find a way to either cover up the crappy tat on my left shoulder or incorporate it into something not sucky. The one on my shoulder blade needs some stylization. I have no idea what I want to do with it. I'm almost afraid to do anything with it at all because it needs to maintain a certain level of consistency.

your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.



Just to cover it:

Having a partiuclar design, label, character, property, restricted or copyrighted, "Inked" on your body is actually a legit process between Tattoo-ist and Receiver. In 90% of Parlors, you're actually paying the Tattoo-Artist for their time, not for the work; which makes the process legal for them. However after the fact if a company so inclines themselves to seek you out they do have the option of coming against you for the work you've imprinted on your skin (although in 99.9% of those cases, why would they? You're promoting them, Free).

So really if someone found a picture of any "City of" character an inclined themselves to tattoo it on their body, that's like a pocket of $10,000 in NCSoft's bank in free advertisement for their products, and similar for [Reiq] in this situation; as it displays his artwork and potentially feeds commissions.

Although I'd have to ask that guy why he wants to spend roughly $300-500 (given the shop) on a piece of someone else's devoted mental-property that they have no other forward knowledge of (assuming).

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
Warning: crazy space limit reached. Please delete some crazy and try again.



I don't think he actually wants Thor's Assassin on his shoulder per se. I think he likes the look of the cloaked/armored figure and the pose. No need to be creeped out.

I have two medium/big tattoos, and probably won't get anymore. They have to mean something for me to get them (one for my philosophy and one for my biggest life changing decision), but other people turn their bodies into canvases. Either option is fine.



I'm usually just a lurker in the art forums checking out the great work folks post, but as someone who designs tattoos for money on a regular basis (I don't tattoo, I draw up the initial image that the artist will eventually tweak) I thought I'd just throw in that perspective...

I'd be cautious leaving things out on the web for public consumption if you're against having them tattooed on someone, only because I know hundreds of people who scour the internet for "something cool" to ink on their bodies that they'd a) never consider asking permission for and b) might not even know what the heck the image really means. I used to keep my before and after shots (on paper/on skin) up on the web as "free advertising" until someone told me she spotted one of my designs on someone at the mall. Turned out to be the original guy I created the design for (misunderstanding), but paranoia had me lock up the site after that.

This being said, I consider having my artwork on someone's body one of the highest honors they can give (if the tattoo artist is talented enough to do it well)... IF I know about it. I'd rather someone see my art and say, "hey, draw me something" than see a dude at the beach with one of my designs on him, but everything I do is individualized. (For the record, I'm an in-between inked person myself--enough that my parents are aghast, not enough to impress a Suicide Girl.)

Most big league artists, particularly comics artists, know people are inking their stuff on their skin on a regular basis (Terry Moore of "Strangers in Paradise" collected photos of SoP tats into some sort of collection a few years back, I believe). I bet all the Big Name Guys have had people walk up to them at conventions and hike up their shirts (or drop trou) to show off body art based on their work.

Anyway, there my two cents (or nickel and a half), from someone who voluntarily has his artwork etched into other peoples' bodies...