Free stuff. Take it, you fool.




Everyone needs to join the Comics Haven Art Forum so that we can keep in touch because:
a) it's free
b) it doesn't have enough cool art right now and I'm only one man, damn it, how much can I do alone even though there's other people around who don't post often enough I'm looking at you, Aero!

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I tried a couple times to join, but the name and password crap was so picky about what you can use, and they ask some inane trivia before you can join, that I think I'll pass.

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Hmm, name and password crap? What did it ask you?

This all sounds wrong and unusual, unless it's the usual stuff you're talking about, in which case I don't know what to say.



To be clear:
-The username thing shouldn't complain about anything other than you choosing someone else's name. (darkether works, for example.)
-The password has to be 8 characters.
-The trivia thing is to make sure you're a human and not a spambot. I think it asks you one of the planets in the solar system.

If you're getting anything else, something's wrong. If you don't like having to do that stuff, then that's that, I guess.



Well, at first it asked me the 6th planet, and I responded "I don't know" and it didn't like that. I never learned that mnemonic. After I got it right, it was telling me that my password contained something that was too close to a word, or something like that. After a couple rounds of that, I figured any site with that much security I didn't need to be messing around in. It has notably more security than my EBay, Amazon, Windows, DA, CoH, etc accounts do, so they must be hiding something...

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



Everyone needs to join the Comics Haven Art Forum so that we can keep in touch because:
a) it's free
b) it doesn't have enough cool art right now and I'm only one man, damn it, how much can I do alone even though there's other people around who don't post often enough I'm looking at you, Aero!

[/ QUOTE ]

I stopped because no one else cared.
If more Art people came over I might post more art there again, but right now that section is just way too sad and lonely.

But some of the other sections make up for it, and I love the banter.

Also, about signing up:
A name, a password and a trivia question that can be answered by typing "planets" into Google and looking for four seconds to answer is that big a hindrance?

Oh, and Ghostman, there was a reboot a few months back. Even if you remembered your old password you'd likely have to re-register anyway, so go ahead and take that full minute it'll take to do so and be happy(er) from then on out.



I think Ether has led me astray on this one....



my password contained something that was too close to a word, or something like that.

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Wow, I didn't even know it did that. That's what I get for using "aaaaaaaa" as my password. :P

Also, we have hardcore midget porn in all sections. That's why we must lock the site down. Because of the midgets. In porn.



I try not to remember The Inferno. Thanks.



my password contained something that was too close to a word, or something like that.

[/ QUOTE ]
Wow, I didn't even know it did that. That's what I get for using "aaaaaaaa" as my password. :P

Also, we have hardcore midget porn in all sections. That's why we must lock the site down. Because of the midgets. In porn.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ahh, midgets. Well, I may try again, then.

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



Bee tee dubs, I'm 99.46% sure that the picture won't be finished by the time my account expires, so don't get surprised if I find one of youse on DeviantArt of Comic Shaven to post the pic.

<--Scans field

You! You look like a well-to-do young man...keep an eye out. (It miiiight be TA or Foo-bar. Just sayin'.)



I'm not well-to-do, but I'm pretty.



FWIW--I'm now an official member of Comics Haven.

Yes, I miscounted the first time it asked me what the 6th planet from the sun is.



FWIW--I'm now an official member of Comics Haven.

Yes, I miscounted the first time it asked me what the 6th planet from the sun is.

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I finally got in, too - added some random numbers to my password, which seemed to work. I can only remember the third planet, from "Third Rock.."

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



I'm well to do? hmm i can be i guess lol!

wth does that mean anyways?

[/ QUOTE ]

Probably nothing at all like what I'm imagining.



I'm well to do? hmm i can be i guess lol!

wth does that mean anyways?

[/ QUOTE ]

Probably nothing at all like what I'm imagining.

[/ QUOTE ]







The first word I learned here.

Memories ...



And that's something therapy can never completely take away from you.

...You're welcome.



But I never wanna forget y'all.



And you never will. Not completely.