Hai u guys! I need your help and feedback! :3

Dark Ether




I just wanna put my feelers out, or is that horns... anyways. I know folks in the past said "too much! too much!" on commission prices, but so far, everyone who's had a piece done loved the quality of the prints/artwork but I totally understand what it can be like on a tight budget. So I'm testing the waters on prices for different kinds of commissions.

Lemme know what you think :3



the look good to me , commented on the journal as well



goat art is worth most any price



Sounds very reasonable.
Actually it´s to reasonable, cause I am concidering spending money on a commisiosn (which is a bad thing, cause I am strapped atm)



I think it's a good idea for you to offer different ranges. Still lets someone who loves your style get a piece if they don't have a lot of money. They are very very reasonable in my opinion.



I'll still offer watercolors and the super finished pieces, but I enjoy sketching and I wanted to offer things that I could do quickly versus super finished stuff that usually entails 40+ hours