Eden Studios' COH RPG (Any devs care to respond?)




Next time I run into the Eden guys, I'll ask...I usually see them during convention season.

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sniff. This was his last post, before the change. We miss you, big guy.



I was kind of hoping after a multi-year delay, the contract might be given to someone else. I haven't gotten any response here or via Eden. <shrug>



Eden got hit by a double-whammy. They over-extended themselves on the Buffy/Angel licenses, and then sales industry-wide dropped. Angel only went five seasons, and the titles just didn't sell like they would have needed. Evidently they got behind in licensing payments. They had to spend every dime of their cash paying this back, and then at the end of it lost their biggest money-maker (even at dipping sales, it was still their bread and butter).

So they had no money, and greatly reduced income. They had to start making hard choices as to what to finish and release, based on what they thought might make enough money to let them continue. I don't know specifics of what their finances are like now, but I imagine they're having to make all those hard choices everybody makes (do we reduce production values on this so we can produce it cheaper, and take the chance that lowers sales? etc.) in a context where they had announced tons and tons of things they were working on, but can't release them at anything like their old rate anymore.

Most RPG companies who've been put in this position have gone under. If Eden hasn't, I think that's probably a credit to their management. Losing a major license is a real hit even if it happens without exhausting your cash.



would you say it was a...Critical Hit?

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

All your gonna do is just farm behemoths anyways.

My thoughts on November 30.



Glimmer of information from the Eden boards...

"Im still awaiting some information from NCsoft before we move forward on the game."



Darkbridger: Glimmer of information from the Eden boards...

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Nice find, Darkbridger. I'll add it to the thead I've been updating as I see posts on the Eden "Update" thread. Nice of them to put an update someplace other than, you know, the update thread.
Malohin // Characters



Darkbridger: Glimmer of information from the Eden boards...

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Nice find, Darkbridger. I'll add it to the thead I've been updating as I see posts on the Eden "Update" thread. Nice of them to put an update someplace other than, you know, the update thread.
Malohin // Characters

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He added another update yesterday in his update thread...

"NCsoft now owns the CoH/CoV property. Crytpic no longer does. This HAS effected our ability to release the game. Cannot go into details."