Golden Age Soviette




While trying to design a 2nd costume for Soviette, I scrapped everything I came up with. (Military uniform, espionage suit, armor) Then, after I revised her story to put her origins in WWII instead of the Cold War (I wanted her to be farther removed from her origins, very much out of her time) and Plasmastream posted about doing a WWII elseworlds story, I finally came up with a 2nd costume I like, and I LOVE it! This is very clean, simple and classic. It really suits her well and represents the costume she first wore during WWII, I can just see her busting Nazi skulls in this getup.

Golden Age Soviette



Very nice!



Hey, how did you set your DA icon thinging up in the search bar?



that's a DA function... a lot of sites do that, now. they save the icon file in the home folder of the site... and your browser will download and save it as the bookmark icon.

Note that this site has the UBB lightbulb, instead of the IE/Firefox icon.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



I really like it--I think it calls out for some kind of cape (I don't know what all the cape options are, but something like the GA Green Lantern,( ) only in appropriate colors.

But that's just me--its really a great look as it is.