Guide to Fire/Fire/Fire Mob Melter (I10)




This is my first guide so please bare with me. I decided to make this guide due to the numerous (OMG!!! You are Awesome!!! and Hey, can we kill some please!!!) comments I get in game. This guide comes from about a year of playing with this character and he is by far my favorite! I actually have two separate builds for this character, but the Fire/Fire/Fire I have chose to stick with just because of the Rise of Pheonix! I actually lasted longer and was much more of a killing machine with the Fire/Fire/Force build, so many may choose that route. I'm not going to show numbers, give my ratings on the powers, or anything close to that. I will however give you a guide on building an AoE killing machine. And so here it is:

Fire Blast

Fire Blast: I chose this because Flares activation time is far to long. We AoE machines have to be fast or we die!

Fire Ball: Aww, finally some AoE love and my second power in my attack chain.

Fire Breath: Woot, our bread and butter attack! A good position+Aim+BU=Mob wipe, toss in a Fire Ball and Lts are dead, now Fire Sword that boss and jump back for a Fire Blast. Wash, Rinse, Repeat please!

Aim: Gotta have it, it boost Accuracy and Damage and we need all we can get!

Blaze: Now this is your bread and butter single target attack. Slotted well and you can almost match its damage with your snipe!

Blazing Bolt: I very seldom use this power, mainly have it for the IO bonuses and runners. I occasionally use it to soften up a boss before my attack chain.

Inferno: Don't need to say much about this power, it is named appropriately. By far the best nuke in the game too.

Fire Manipulation

Fire Sword: Need this to take out those that survive your attack chain. Pesky bosses!

Fire Sword Circle: I took this because its damage is immediate, I have enough DoT, didn't need another with Combustion.

Build Up: Damage and Accuracy boost...need I say more?

Consume: Need this for sure, we sure do wear ourselves out on our attack chain! Although, I usually only need it after nuking.

Hot Feet: I took this power purely for some ability to keep that mob from running! I also use it as a surprise power in PVP.

Flame Mastery

Char: Very handy when fighting bosses. Toss a couple of these on him and he'll be choking while you burn him down.

Fire Shield: Finally some resistance!

Rise of the Pheonix: Sometimes, we die....this lets us get some revenge!

Force Mastery

Personal Force Field: I used this to keep me alive so I could come back for revenge!

Temp Invulnerability: One of the better resistance powers in the game for blasters!

Force of Nature: This allowed me to Rambo mission, running around burning everthing in sight...that is until it crashed...keep watch!!!

I left slotting out on purpose, everyone slots different based on how they play. Also with IO's and HO's you can really fine tune your build like I have. With IO's and HO's I really don't have end issues at all.

Here are a couple of sample builds:

+ Built with SuckerPunch's Online Planner
Name: Hot Edd Rough Draft
Level: 50
Archetype: Blaster
Primary: Fire Blast
Secondary: Fire Manipulation
01 => Ring of Fire ==> Acc(1)
01 => Fire Blast ==> Acc(1),Acc(3),Dam(5),Dam(23),Dam(40),EndCost(48)
02 => Fire Sword ==> Acc(2),Acc(3),Dam(11),Dam(23),Dam(40),EndCost(48)
04 => Fire Ball ==> Acc(4),Acc(5),Dam(11),Dam(13),Dam(15),EndCost(42)
06 => Hasten ==> Rech(6),Rech(7),Rech(7)
08 => Fire Breath ==> Acc(8),Acc(9),Dam(9),Dam(13),Dam(15),Range(40)
10 => Hurdle ==> Jump(10)
12 => Combat Jumping ==> DefBuff(12),DefBuff(46),DefBuff(46),Jump(46)
14 => Super Jump ==> Jump(14)
16 => Build Up ==> Rech(16),Rech(17),Rech(17)
18 => Health ==> Heal(18),Heal(19),Heal(19)
20 => Stamina ==> EndMod(20),EndMod(21),EndMod(21)
22 => Acrobatics ==> EndCost(22)
24 => Aim ==> Rech(24),Rech(25),Rech(25)
26 => Blaze ==> Acc(26),Acc(27),Dam(27),Dam(31),Dam(31),Range(42)
28 => Fire Sword Circle ==> Acc(28),Acc(29),Dam(29),Dam(34),Dam(37),EndCost(45)
30 => Consume ==> Acc(30),Acc(31),Rech(31),Rech(31),EndMod(50)
32 => Inferno ==> Dam(32),Dam(33),Dam(33),Rech(33),Rech(34),Rech(34)
35 => Blazing Bolt ==> Acc(35),Acc(36),Dam(36),Dam(36),Dam(37),Interrupt(37)
38 => Hot Feet ==> Acc(38),Acc(39),EndCost(39),EndCost(39),EndCost(50)
41 => Char ==> Acc(41),Acc(42),Hold(43),Hold(43),Hold(43)
44 => Fire Shield ==> DamRes(44),DamRes(45),DamRes(45)
47 => Rise of the Phoenix ==> Heal(47),Heal(48),EndMod(50)
49 => Swift ==> RunSpd(49)
01 => Sprint ==> Empty(1)
01 => Brawl ==> Empty(1)
02 => Rest ==> Empty(1)

+ Built with SuckerPunch's Online Planner
Name: Hot Edd Rough Draft
Level: 50
Archetype: Blaster
Primary: Fire Blast
Secondary: Fire Manipulation
01 => Ring of Fire ==> Acc(1)
01 => Fire Blast ==> Acc(1),Acc(3),Dam(5),Dam(23),Dam(40)
02 => Fire Sword ==> Acc(2),Acc(3),Dam(11),Dam(23),Dam(40)
04 => Fire Ball ==> Acc(4),Acc(5),Dam(11),Dam(13),Dam(15),EndCost(42)
06 => Hasten ==> Rech(6),Rech(7),Rech(7)
08 => Fire Breath ==> Acc(8),Acc(9),Dam(9),Dam(13),Dam(15),Range(40)
10 => Hurdle ==> Jump(10)
12 => Combat Jumping ==> DefBuff(12)
14 => Super Jump ==> Jump(14)
16 => Build Up ==> Rech(16),Rech(17),Rech(17)
18 => Health ==> Heal(18),Heal(19),Heal(19)
20 => Stamina ==> EndMod(20),EndMod(21),EndMod(21)
22 => Acrobatics ==> EndCost(22)
24 => Aim ==> Rech(24),Rech(25),Rech(25)
26 => Blaze ==> Acc(26),Acc(27),Dam(27),Dam(31),Dam(31),Range(42)
28 => Fire Sword Circle ==> Acc(28),Acc(29),Dam(29),Dam(34),Dam(37),EndCost(46)
30 => Consume ==> Acc(30),Acc(31),Rech(31),Rech(31),EndMod(45),EndMod(46)
32 => Inferno ==> Dam(32),Dam(33),Dam(33),Rech(33),Rech(34),Rech(34)
35 => Blazing Bolt ==> Acc(35),Acc(36),Dam(36),Dam(36),Dam(37),Interrupt(37)
38 => Hot Feet ==> Acc(38),Acc(39),EndCost(39),EndCost(39),EndCost(43),Slow(46)
41 => Personal Force Field ==> EndCost(41),DefBuff(43),DefBuff(43),DefBuff(48)
44 => Temp Invulnerability ==> DamRes(44),DamRes(45),DamRes(45)
47 => Force of Nature ==> DamRes(47),DamRes(48),DamRes(48),Rech(50),Rech(50),Rech(50)
49 => Swift ==> RunSpd(49)
01 => Sprint ==> Empty(1)
01 => Brawl ==> Empty(1)
02 => Rest ==> Empty(1)

Hope this helps someone!



How are you on end usage?



With IO sets...I can do fine soloing without using blues. I only use Consume after using Inferno or during AV & EB fights. But that is with Hot Feet off, if I run Hot Feet, then my end really starts taking a hit. I can still manage just have to watch my end is all.