Artists...I need some input...and alot of help




Yes, that was back when Disney had several studios, one in Canada, one in Florida, one in Paris, and one in Australia.

All of those have shut their doors. If you want to get an idea of what the industry's like now:

A lot has changed AWN is a great resource for anyone interested in animation from mild curiosity to amateur to seasoned professional.

The warning is only because, I remember hearing similar vows of devotion to the field when I first started going to school from others. Usually when you get into the trenches (as a lot of animators term it), the ones that lack the true love and passion get weeded out fast. You have to be passionate and pretty much crazy about animation to get into it It's a crazy field.



Hrmm... I'll have to look into that Noir book Lj.

I'm with Dirt in regards to the "No Fantasy" in your portfolio. I just didn't know.

Darn you Hindsight!!! Why must you be so clear!!!!!

I never got a full scholarship and unfortunately my life was such a mess(Which hasn't changed much) that when I could enroll into an institution I was just never ready financially and/or personally.

Here's what my Portfolio contained tho back then,

8-12 Full scale Human Anatomy Studies. Charcoal and Graphite.
4 Landscapes. 3 Urban scenes, 1 Nature.
3 Photo realist portraits. 1 Tom Waits, 1 Bukowski, 1 Toshiro Mifune.
2 Impressionistic Paintings. 1 Louis Armstrong(Oil), 1 Landscape(Acrylic... which really sucked now that I look back).
4-5 Self Portraits. 1 full, 3-4 headshots.

Now, If I had known I could include my sketchbooks, i would have.




No the sketchbooks you could have brought to the interview...



No the sketchbooks you could have brought to the interview...

[/ QUOTE ]

Where were you 7 years ago!!

I did coast through the interviews on my Natural Charisma though. Glad I put them points into that instead of Wisdom.

+2 Stat Buff FTW!!!



7 years ago, I just got my spanking new 733mhz computer, wooo hooo!