The Last Son of Ireland




WIP for Jugg's Nation jam.

"As the last descendant of Nuada the first King of Ireland and with the sword "Claíomh Solais"(Sword of Light), a blade so powerful, once loosed from it's scabbard it will cleave it's opponent in twain, Jack Flynn protects the emerald shores and it's people from all that would threaten it."

or summat like that.




Wow! Love the dynamic pose!

I mean no insult or offense, but it looks like he's going to assault me... with a puddin pop.



Is he about to play Cricket?




No Lj, that little ball's just what I use to determine lighting source for when I get around to inkin it.

The concept for the sword is that it's actually kinda small, more like a dirk in size but it's so frickin powerful it needs that huge cairn stone to sheath it.



Ahhh, I see it. I can see the hilt and handguard are alot smaller. That is one "H E double hockey stick" of a sheath! How often does he have to use the sword? Will he just beat people with the sheath first? :-)

I love the pose, it is looking very good. Nice work!



Yeh, Kodiak, He's like Bat's in the sense that he won't kill ya, but beating you to a pulp is not off limits.



I like him.



I had a question. When I draw Pencil (hope I linked the right one I cant see it from work) I typically just draw my lines. If they are jacked up I erase and draw them over.

When prof artists like you guys do your pencil you have lines that are all scribbly and you darken in your lines that you settle on for the shape. You can see the scribbly ones for much of the process though.

I am guessing the scribbly lines are part of some shaping technique? Any insight for us untrained types?

View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here:
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When you guys do your pencil you have lines that are all scribbly and you darken in your lines that you settle on for the shape. You can see the scribbly ones for much of the process though.

I am guessing the scribbly lines are part of some shaping technique? Any insight for us untrained types?

[/ QUOTE ]

It is known as " Gesture Drawing " and is helpful to all artists regardless of skill level.

You may also benefit from looking at Mcduffies as well. NSFW tho cause it has boobs, but it is a good beginning tutorial on human anatomy.

The real "pros" manipulate it in conjunction with gesture drawing to achieve all those dynamic and fluid poses.




When you guys do your pencil you have lines that are all scribbly and you darken in your lines that you settle on for the shape. You can see the scribbly ones for much of the process though.

I am guessing the scribbly lines are part of some shaping technique? Any insight for us untrained types?

[/ QUOTE ]

It is known as " Gesture Drawing " and is helpful to all artists regardless of skill level.

You may also benefit from looking at Mcduffies as well. NSFW tho cause it has boobs, but it is a good beginning tutorial on human anatomy.

The real "pros" manipulate it in conjunction with gesture drawing to achieve all those dynamic and fluid poses.


[/ QUOTE ] Thanks for the info.........and the links.......and the warning hehe, Im at work and wouldnt want the data guys to beat on me

View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here:
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This will be fun..... I think I understand. If you have any exercises I could do I would love to give gesturing a try........hehe.

The action of a figure is usually expressed as "gesture." It means the movement and attitude of the figure. It is body language and all of those subtle differences that characterize individuals, whether they are human or animal. In this regard, when I refer to the model, I mean not only a model posing for short poses of thirty seconds to three minutes, but also people who are not posing and are in real life situations. We use essentially the same learning procedure in what is referred to as the "quick sketch." It will be assumed that for the sake of learning, at this point, they are the same. Other terms used for what we call gesture are "attitude" and "body language."

`Gesture is the single most important element in the drawing.'

No matter how well a drawing is rendered, without that feeling of individuality that we experience in looking at real life, the drawing is nothing more than an academic exercise. Long before we can actually see a person's face, we can recognize him by all those elements that make up that individual, such as his general bearing, proportions of his body, how he dresses, how he walks, and holds his head.

In practice, these steps should take you a maximum of 30 seconds with 10 to 15 seconds being the average.

You should practice these simple steps as often as you can. In a regular day class I will have the students doing this lesson for six hours.

View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here:
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Hrmm... excercises... Well, at first you may want to start with Contour Line Drawing. It's slower, and more involved than gesture drawing but I find that it trains your hands to act more precisely when you Gesture draw.

The best thing about CLD is the fact that you can do it anywhere. Just sit down, get comfy, look at an object/scene and beginand regardless of your spot whether it changes or not your drawing will always come out unique. No 2 sessions from the same spot should be the same. I cheat when I CLD, I'll glance down every once in a while, but for the most part it's done without too much conscience effort. I also use larger sized paper, and do multiple passes on the same page, each with a different color marker.

Now, when you get that down and want to do gesture studies. Go to a park. People move there all the time, Joggers, Cyclists and kids. A note about drawing children, get there parents permission first, or sit in an obviously visible area, that way if the parent does object to you drawing his/her child they can find you and tell right then, instead of finding you hidden behind a shrub which will more than likely lead to a 911 call.

If your at home, it's rainy, or your just too lazy to get up. Pop in your favourite Action DVD/Comedy DVD and start Gesturing that way.

Well, thems me 2 bits.




Ugh, you don't want to know about the old sneaker I had to do in contour... here's another link for gesture drawings... the article afterwards too is worth skimming.



Did the sneaker look like it folded in on itself? I love those!!!



Looking good CJ, can't wait to see the finished project!



WIP #3 Final Inks, and color tests.

Scabbard still WIP.