Here comes Peter Cotto-HO JAYSUS!




A while back the Lethal Ladies on Pinnacle decided to do all the taskforces before Halloween and we'd have themes for each one. Deadspring, being apart of this merry band of women who enjoy bringing bad folk to justice with great fervor joined them for the Sister Psyche taskforce.
The theme?
We fight crime in playboy bunny outfits. Which we all did, except for our resident Debt Goddess Nyrana.
Anyway! From left to right!
Deadspring after defusing a bomb in front of a group of Freakshow without getting killed.
Dakota (our stone tanker) and the ever fabulous Nyrana! Dakota went about squeezing our fluffy tails and squeezed Nyrana's so hard it popped off. Which was good for Nyrana in the end I think.
Anyway! Enjoy!

She's our healer, she heals us. Except for him! Who she TOTALLY NEGLECTED! -Mike

Who's yer daddy!? -Deadspring (Lethal Lady of Pinnacle)

Zombies taste like awful. -Betti (Wraith Spider of Virtue)



pretty hilarious, great sketch too...



Bwhahahah! I hope ye finish this one up, lad! This be fine work, arr!



This is great! Your sketches are really emotive.