What Ever Happened To the COH Role-Playing Game




Did the pen & paper roleplaying game book ever come out? If so, where can I order one from.

For that matter, what happened to the COH CCG? If it is out, where can I order it from?

Too Many Characters... not enough player
Member of Alts-R-Us.



Okay, got my own answer to my CCG question.
http://www.cohccg.com/ For the CCG.

I looked at the website for the RPG and all the product stuff is from years ago and still lists TBA on the listing.

Too Many Characters... not enough player
Member of Alts-R-Us.



Last I heard, it was Still under production.

I think the CCG is still around. You could check out AEG's website.

Of course, if you want a CoH-style game, you can always use the HERO System as a basis. You can easily make pretty much anything in CoH (or anything else for that matter) using HERO System.



Thanks, October... I am an AVID Champions/Hero System player from Launch Day 1 of that game at Pacific Origins... back in the early 80's. So no fear there.

I was just thinking about the 'official' game will reading the boards and wondered what happened with it.

And yeah, I just hit up AEG's site and took care of the CCG side of things. Looks like they came out with an expansion to it, too. Made an order for some to have on hand. (Along with what I got in the DvD Collector's box or whatever it was. Durn memory... always failing. All my points have been spent on powers not INT...)

Too Many Characters... not enough player
Member of Alts-R-Us.