Art Trade on DeviantArt (Shameless Plug!)
o.o Why am I not yet +watching you?
I love that Larissa. that's just hilarious!
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
The Larissa one IS the most adorable! It could be because I am a little biased, or just the perky chibi boobs that get me rolling!
They are a hot topic!
Err... Cold Topic?
Chibi's are awesome!
Thugmar Chibi
Larissa Chibi
Iggy Chibi
OC Bandito Chibi
Want a chibi of your very own!? Visit my DeviantPage, there's four spots left open! What's the catch? Promise not to feed your Chibi after midnight, and trade me some good ol' fashioned artz!
Shameless Plug!!