
Dark Ether



Well, I just wrapped this digital piece up tonight and figured, well, hell, I can actually mossy on over to the boards and post it! So, yup, that's what I'm doing right her and now. Posting it... yup...


I'ma gonna... mossy on over to bed now. Thank you for reading and good night.



Commented on DA, this is an amazing piece



Woooww that's pretty



Yer gonna "mossy", as in grow fungus all over your pillows? or are you trying to speak some form of cowboy slang... j/k , fav'd!



Holy wow! That's incredable! I've added it to my favourites. Those claws and the cape are just amazing!




Awesome, awesome work

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



Very nice



Yer gonna "mossy", as in grow fungus all over your pillows? or are you trying to speak some form of cowboy slang... j/k , fav'd!

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No, he lives in the jungle. *Continues to stalk Graver* I wonder if he has any cash on him...



That turned out awesome. The shrouded cape combined with the beetles does give him a Batman feel.

Might have to get more digital pieces from you eventually, it's awesome.



Whoah, looking very good o.O

Brutes are built to kick @$�, not to save that of yours - Double Electro

My DeviantArt |



Thanks guys!

Yer gonna "mossy", as in grow fungus all over your pillows? or are you trying to speak some form of cowboy slang... j/k , fav'd! [ QUOTE ]
No, he lives in the jungle. *Continues to stalk Graver* I wonder if he has any cash on him...

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

well, close, very close. It's really more of a local term (It's more swampy then jungely here...) describing going into an unmoving state for an extended period of time, enough time for um, moss to grow. When used the way i used it, it's, like, your going to sleep so hard and long moss grows on you... or something like that, ya.

I can spell, I really can! I swear!

And if you were any kind of stalker, Akiokun, you'd know that i was an artist which means chances of me having cash is fairly slim. If you had been really getting into your stalking, you'd see the utter bumness of my lifestyle and the fact that i only have few nickels...

Pickle's Nickels, 'cause nickels is money too.



I didn't see this one before...I really like it!