Art Trade?




Hiya, I've been wanting for a long while now to get some art work done of Tundara, but I've been held back by a perpetual state of costume tweaking and lack of money. Thanks to some things Sorah said a while back I finally managed to settle on a costume I love and fits the character, though the money situation hasn't changed. So I thought maybe an Art Trade could work.

But I've never done something like this before (traded art that is), and am unsure how it all works exactly, especially given the difference in medium's between writing and drawing. So, what I'm curious about is what length I'd need to make the story so it fair to the artist.

If anyone is interested I can post some of my stories. A slight warning though, I tend to 'run long'. That is to say if I try to write a story of 10 pages it often will turn into 15 or more. Actually, I should post something anyways because I've never posted a story in this section.

Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated.

=. .=



I think it all depends on what the artist thinks his/her art is worth and how much time they spend on a piece and what kind of piece it is. PM's or notes are a good way to ask the artist what they are willing to do, and then you can ask if a length you were thinking of i s good.

For example, my art would trade for a shorter piece, than let's say Dark Jedi's.

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



Hmm... I was thinking it would be something like that. And I couldn't 'afford' a Dark Jedi piece. He is too good.




Here is a quick example of my work. I wrote this in a few hours back during Issue 9's closed beta as a sort of thank-you for the devs. As with most things I write for the forums it has not been hit with the red ink of editing other then a pass through a grammar and spelling checker. On a slight aside, I'm not to fond of the ending and if I ever did edit this particular story that would be significantly altered (and given my editing methods, lengthened no doubt).

Most character names were picked spur of the moment while writing. Any simularities to actual characters is pure coincidence.


The Statesman’s Task Force, a short story:

The world was spinning and filled with the deep screeching of energy blasts from the maces of Bane Spiders. Overhead spotlights swept the pitted platform, the shrill noise of diving rockets turning into the deep rumble of explosions. Through the spiralling jumble of rockets a white streak darted towards the source of the rockets. Zip lines dangled twisting and dancing as men in heavy armour slid down them. Booted feet hit the steel plating of the platform small charred fragments grinding under their heels as the armoured men quickly unclipped themselves from the lines.

Purple markings on his shoulders showing him to be a lieutenant, one of men checked the read-out display on his wrist for the tactical situation. Behind the nano-carbon combat helmet he wore sweat trickled down from his brow and licked his lips.

“She’s moving in from the north, quick get into-“

The men under his command reacted too late, too slowly. Jensen was the first to fall, shot in the back by one of his comrades. Screaming he fell to his knees then face the rank smell of burnt flesh drifting from a small hole burned through his armour. Screaming madly Jensen swung his mace towards the Lt., thumb squeezing the trigger for the maces energy blast. The Lt. spun on his heel narrowly avoiding the blast. Burning ozone filled nose as he quickly activated his own mace, a full burst of brilliant red energy striking Jensen on the face and chest sending the man spinning from the platform.

Before the could recover tall men shimmering composed of a ghostly light appeared in the middle of them, long blades of fire and ice in hand. Mace blasts were fired in rapid succession, but the ethereal men were either immune to the energy or didn’t care they were being struck by it. Two Bane Spiders fell in the first moment, struck down by the elemental swords. A third reeled back clawing at his helmet shrieking with the mad intensity of a man who looks upon the plains of Pandemonium. Ripping off his helmet he scrambled backward, eyes wild with animal fright. Babbling he curled into a small ball against a short wall.

Spinning the Lt. looked for the source of the apparitions and confusion that was wiping out his squad. He found her hovering overhead, a slight frown playing with her face, wings of the purest white feathers gently beating the air to keep her aloft. Raising his mace he pressed the trigger, smiling behind his helmet as the red beam reached out for the heroine. She didn’t even try to move as the deadly energy slammed into her. The Lt. let out a whoop of victory, but it was cut short as the heroine vanished, replaced with the distant circling form of an Arachnos Flier. Yelling in protest all he could do was watch as the beam cut into the side of the Flier right where the pilots sat. Men began leaping from the doomed machine, fire licking from the open doors in its sides, falling the hundred feet to the ground.

“I am sorry, but we do what we must, and you chose your side in this war,” whispered in his mind a voice like the haunting last breath of a summer breeze.

She stood there with wings folded; the tattered and battered remains of his squad littering the ground behind her. Kissing her fingers she placed them on the trembling Lieutenant’s helmet. A primordial scream flooded out of the man, and then he fell, collapsing deep into unconsciousness as the deep tremble of the Flier he shot filled the battlefield.

Speaking into a communication device on her wrist the winged heroine took back into the air.

“The Fliers have been removed.”

“About freaking time Archon,” a loud spicy voice snapped. “What were you doing, playing around with them? We need your help here at the towers.”

White Archon didn’t respond to the prodding of her teammate, it wasn’t her way. Instead she flew over the battlefield towards her friends. Beneath her strewn among craters and the mangled remains of a half dozen Fliers, the forces of Archnos lay defeated. Only small pockets remained, desperately trying to get away from the intense fighting happening in the shadow of Lord Recluse’s tower. Ducking beneath the spider arms of the giant gaudy statue to the self styled dictator White Archon saw how the field had changed in the few minutes she had been gone dealing with the Archnos reinforcements.

She smiled at the scene playing out before her.

One of the ‘Towers’, the cause of the entire expedition into Grandville, had been destroyed. It was lying on its side in a pool of oil and twisted metal small electrical fires belching from dozens of holes punched into its thick armour. Around it were the bodies of the men assigned to defend the tower. A short distance away a second tower stood, dark orange flames eating at it from the spread hands of General Firebomb. Firebombs cape and loose pants trembled from the rushing heat of the inferno being summoned. On the other side of the tower from Firebomb was Boresight Girl in the middle of another squad of Bane Spiders, all of them showing the purple colour of Recluse’s elite scouts.

Boresight was a lithe woman, spinning and kicking anything within her reach. She didn’t bother trying to avoid the deadly energy blasts the Bane Spiders sent at her, instead relying on her extreme regenerative abilities to heal herself. Leaping into the air in a corkscrew motion she kicked one scout in the head, the unfortunate man flipping over backwards. Even as she landed Boresight was twirling into a sweeping leg movement that knocked down all the scouts around her. A mace blast caught her on the back sending her tumbling out of the packed group of scouts. Cursing violently Boresight kipped up onto her feet and ran strait at the scout that had shot her.

White Archon folded her wings and dived towards the tower. Sneaking up behind General Firebomb was a group of Arachnos technicians and scouts. If the techs got to the tower they would repair it in a matter of moments with their nano-repair tools. Noticing Archon’s arc, Firebomb dropped into a crouch and looked over his shoulder. Tutting softly to himself he threw a pair of molten fireballs into the group of men scattering them before Archon was close enough to use her mind altering abilities.

“You got ta be faster, love,” the General laughed returning to his burning of the tower.

With a final shrill moan the towers supports gave out, the contraption toppling over with a resounding crash.

“Half-way home now, love. Hope the others are having as much luck.”

“They seem to be holding their own,” White Archon replied landing beside Firebomb to watch Boresight finish dealing with the last scout. “But I can not see Recluse himself anywhere.”

It was true, the arch-villain himself was no-where to be seen. Everywhere his minions were either defeated, or attempting to make some sort of counter attack on the heroes at the third tower. Like how Firebomb had destroyed the second tower while Boresight battled the majority of Bane Spiders guarding it, the third tower was being attacked be Canadian Honour, who kept the Arachnos soldiers off her partners Doctor Indomitable and Lilith Firemane. Over at the last tower the Archnos soldiers were either digging in or hovering on the verge of running away. But no sign of the last two members of the team Statesman had charged with stopping Recluse’s plans for world domination.

“Where are-,” Archon started to ask, but was cut off as a massive explosion tore a gapping wound in the side of Aeon Crops skyscraper.

Leaving a trail of smoke and wreckage the massive bulk of the Giant Canuck skipped across the square scattering the last remaining Arachnos soldiers. The Giant Canuck was true to his name, a massive man that stood over ten feet with shoulders you could rest a Buick on. He wore only a thin tank top and pants that, as Boresight Girl was fond of commenting on to Canuck’s eternal embarrassment, bulged in all the right places. The Giant Canuck stood slowly. Archon could tell from the way he stood that the massive man was tired and on the verge of collapse.

Through the thick smoke Recluse himself appeared, striding confidently towards the Giant Canuck. At the sight of their lord the remaining Archnos soldiers rallied, war cries rising from hoarse throats. The side of Recluse’s helmet had a dark dent in it from where the Canuck had landed one of his powerful fists, but if it had hurt Recluse at all the lord of Arachnos did not show it.

“Quick, we got to get the last tower down!” General Firebomb shouted to Boresight Girl and White Archon leaping into the air on jets of flame.

Boresight charged after Firebomb, but Archon hesitated. Canuck needed her help more then they did. Running towards where the hero and Recluse stood Archon called up her ghostly servants, sending them to distract Recluse. Recluse just laughed at the servants as the attacked him, sweeping his spider-like arms to send them flying away.

“Tsk tsk, I was expecting more of a challenge,” Recluse chuckled, his gravely voice echoing behind his helmet.

“Archon, stay away from him,” the Giant Canuck said, a small trial of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Turning slightly away from the Canuck, Recluse backhanded him sending the giant skidding across the ground again. Yelling the Canuck’s name Archon thrust a hand at Recluse a thin trial of green energy flowing onto and around him. On a normal man the magic would have left him weak with delirium and hardly able to fight, Recluse shrugged off it’s effects like a stone splashed by a wave. As the terrible lord of Arachnos strode towards her Archon sent a second spell, a powerful curse designed to steal away strength and vitality, at him. Again there was no visible effect.

White Archon spread her wings to try to fly into the air and escape the land locked Lord Recluse. She had only gained a few feet when he closed the remaining distance, one of his gauntleted hands circling her throat. Gasping and choking Archon struggled against the metallic grip, buffeting Recluse with her wings.

“Why do you heroes even bother, I can not be defeated!”

The metal coated spider arms of Recluse stretched above Archon. She could feel darkness, so familiar and so frightening, slinking up the corners of her awareness. Recluse was laughing, the deep rumble filling her with dread. In the corner of her eye Archon spotted a figure cloaked in dull grey robes. Dimly she recognized him as if he was from a half forgotten dream. The world was spinning faster and faster, than there was a terrible squelching noise, like a fruit being crushed, followed by nothingness.

“Archon!” Boresight called from the top of the dieing tower. “Recluse, you…”

Whatever Recluse was parished in Boresight’s throat as he charged like an enraged boar strait at her and General Firebomb. Boresight jumped from the tower strait for Lord Recluse. She had no fear, it had been stolen from her by Crey Industries when they made her, a common background for more then a few heroes. Recluse and Boresight Girl were mere moments away from crashing into each, an exchange Boresight had little chance of winning, when through the thick smoke clouding the battlefield a form covered in crackling blue ice smashed into Recluse from the side.

“Tundara? Where have you been? Recluse-,”

“I know,” Tundara shouted back even as she shattered a massive sword of ice against Recluse.

Recluse staggered back a half step, but otherwise like with ever other attack was left unharmed.

“Didn’t I already bury you once?” He chortled turning his full attention onto Tundara.

“Yeah, well, I dig really well, what can I say?” She snarled back while summoning another sword.

The air was filled with the brittle crackle of Tundara’s ice and a thick numbing chill flowed from her that had Boresight’s teeth chattering.

“You can’t defeat me, I am a unstoppable!” the lord of Arachnos laughed.

Tundara and Boresight both gave thin bitter smiles.

“That’s where you’re wrong Recluse. You see, we’ve bought the others enough time to finish off your little devices.”

“What?” Recluse stopped laughing swinging to look at the scattered remnants of the towers, the other heroes all running strait at him. “Bah, it doesn’t matter, I will finish you all here and now!”

The heroes all just gave grim looks to each other and on an invisible signal rushed the lord of Arachnos as one. The ground cracked and the air was shorn. They would make Recluse pay for the loss of their friends.

The End.



I would accept your offer, but you are already on my free drawing list. Haven't forgotten about it. I have been travelling for the past month and haven't been drawing that much. No scanner or tablet access either.



I would accept your offer, but you are already on my free drawing list. Haven't forgotten about it. I have been travelling for the past month and haven't been drawing that much. No scanner or tablet access either.

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Yeah, traveling can really get in the way of work. And while you may not have forgotten, I had. Do you want some updated screenies to use or something. I'm not sure if I'd finalized the costume back then or not. <.< ... >.> And I don't mind giving you a story for your art. You do some really nice work.




Screenshots of your character in your post or signature are also a BIG inspiration to whether the artist can even attempt to draw you... some toons scream for "draw me", others say, "oh boy glad I don't have to draw that..."




Thanks! And yes, updated screenshots would be good.



Neat-O. I enjoy the look I've settled on, though i's not all that original. >.>

Tundara References.




'Tis good writing, Tundara. There are several artists who will trade writing for art. I am the same way in terms of length so i understand your warning. When I did a trade with Cyberlynx It was supposed to be a 2 page deal...I think he got 10.

May the art flow in your direction and I look forward to seeing the writing to match!!!

"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?



Neat-O. I enjoy the look I've settled on, though i's not all that original. >.>

Tundara References.


[/ QUOTE ]

Tundalicious <^,^> *glomp*

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



Neat-O. I enjoy the look I've settled on, though i's not all that original. >.>

Tundara References.


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nICE and simple I like it

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



>.> *whistles innocently*

<@.@> The tree, it sprouts drawings when I sleep!

Very WIP <^,^> (No trade needed or anything; I don't do enough art for people around here! >.< Gonna change that)

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.




I love it!!! Thank you Squirrel so much! Thank you thank you thank you!

/em gives teh squirrel a great big giddy hug.




Hey, Tundara, I will take you up on your trade... if you like. I need some practice anyway. You can see examples of my work at my DA page listed in my sig.

If you would like to do a trade with me, then send me a PM with some examples of what you would like (poses, possible powers, props) and I will get to work on it. Please limit it to just your character and maybe a simple background.

As for the trade... let me consider it. But I think it would be very cool to have you create the bio and battle cry for one of my scrappers (which means it will actually have to be kind of short). I will send you more information if you are interested.

50 Fire/Kin Cont
50 Fire/Axe Tank
50 Spine/Inv Scrap
50 Eng/Dev Blast
50 Claw/SR Scrap
50 Emp/Dark Def
50 Eng/Elec Brute
50 Fire/MM Blast

My DeviantArt Page




I love it!!! Thank you Squirrel so much! Thank you thank you thank you!

/em gives teh squirrel a great big giddy hug.


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<^,^> *hug* I'm glad ya likes it! It needs alot of work to be finished >_< but I wanted to make sure I was going the right direction before I did so <,<b I shall take this as a yes hehe <^_^>m

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



Here ya go Tundara... not one of my best, but I hope you like it...




Here ya go Tundara... not one of my best, but I hope you like it...


[/ QUOTE ]

=O_O= You may not think it's one of your best, but I love it! My favourite one you've done without question (Though I'm just a smidge biased ) Thank you a ton LJ.




Thanks SlaveDawg. I'll be sending you a pm later and we can has out the details if you're interested in the trade. Your work is rather good though and I'd feel bad for you if all you want is a in-game character bio and battle-cry. Those are rather short after all, and I am notoriously terrible at battle-cries. Personally I'd feel better with giving you a bio and a story of several pages (at least).

As for poses and such, knock yourself out. I am totally un-fussy and trust in the artist far more then myself for these kinds of decisions.

=. .=



Sounds like a winner of a deal if you ask me, and I agree to your terms of an ingame bio and a longer more involved story. I will get started on some sketches and ideas for you.

And I will be very excited to see what you do with my character. He is still very new (only level 10 so far) and so he doesn't have a lot of background or history. That should allow you a lot of creative freedom to work your magic.

50 Fire/Kin Cont
50 Fire/Axe Tank
50 Spine/Inv Scrap
50 Eng/Dev Blast
50 Claw/SR Scrap
50 Emp/Dark Def
50 Eng/Elec Brute
50 Fire/MM Blast

My DeviantArt Page



OK, here is my character's info:

Name: Freddy Sunshine
AT: Scrapper
Primary: Claws
Secondary: Dark Armor
Origin: Magic

So far, about the only thing I know about him is that he is a die hard surfer (and uses the prestige power slide for travel because it looks like he is surfing). he loves the ocean and talks like you would expect a California surfer to talk. he uses words like "totally awesome", "gnarly", and "trippen dude" a lot.

Anyway, feel free to take the information above and do what you want with it. I only ask that you somehow explain how he got his claws and darkness abilities.

If you need anything else from me, just say so (or PM me) and I will gladly provide it.

(P.S. click his name to see his picture)

50 Fire/Kin Cont
50 Fire/Axe Tank
50 Spine/Inv Scrap
50 Eng/Dev Blast
50 Claw/SR Scrap
50 Emp/Dark Def
50 Eng/Elec Brute
50 Fire/MM Blast

My DeviantArt Page



Haha, that is great! I love his costume and can already see a clear personality. Being Magic opens up some nice possabilities. My Californian is a bit rusty though >_< Thankfully I have a few brains in my SG I can pick for suitable lingo. Or watch Orange County again. >.> His love for the Ocean is something I can really relate to so finding him should be no issue at all. I'm going to get to work on this right away.

Um... Anyone know the character length allowed for Bio's? I know it's relatively short (in my opinion. ) but that's all I know. <.< ... >.>




OK, here is the rough sketch for my painting of Tundara:

Tundara Rough Sketch

Let me know what you think. Also, just to make sure, but she is an Ice/Ice Tank correct? If not, then the sword may not fit right. But, if you are happy with the design so far then I will get started on the final lines and colors.

50 Fire/Kin Cont
50 Fire/Axe Tank
50 Spine/Inv Scrap
50 Eng/Dev Blast
50 Claw/SR Scrap
50 Emp/Dark Def
50 Eng/Elec Brute
50 Fire/MM Blast

My DeviantArt Page



Haha, that is great! I love his costume and can already see a clear personality. Being Magic opens up some nice possabilities. My Californian is a bit rusty though >_< Thankfully I have a few brains in my SG I can pick for suitable lingo. Or watch Orange County again. >.> His love for the Ocean is something I can really relate to so finding him should be no issue at all. I'm going to get to work on this right away.

Um... Anyone know the character length allowed for Bio's? I know it's relatively short (in my opinion. ) but that's all I know. <.< ... >.>


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I don't know the exactitude >.< but "a paragraph" seems to be about average. Basically if you get a fair sized paragraph up >.< You're likely nearly out of room.

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



That looks a lot better then I hoped for, thank you so much. And yes, I'm an Ice/Ice tank. If I had to make a change or comment it would be that I prefer Greater Ice Sword to Ice Sword. You don't have to change anything though. I am really looking forward to seeing how this turns out and I hope that my writing satisfies you.

Mistformsquirrel said:
Basically if you get a fair sized paragraph up >.< You're likely nearly out of room.

[/ QUOTE ]

*sigh* I thought as much. *cracks knuckles* Right, now to figure out how to make this fit without compremising the idea.
