Pool C & Pool D Recipe Guide




As the title states, this is a quick-fire guide to level 50 players embarking on a SF/TF or Respec in order to earn a rare IO Set recipe.

1) First an important safety tip about difficulty settings. Players have a habit of lowering the difficulty of a SF/Respec to the lowest setting in order to get through it quickly.

When completing a low-level SF/TF (i.e. ANY that will Malefactor you to a level lower than 50) this causes no problem. You will always receive a level 50 recipe as a reward.

However, be aware that when completing a level 50 SF/TF, if you are fussy and want to earn a level 50 Recipe reward, you will need to set your difficulty to at least the second level, otherwise your reward will be level 49.

Also important to know is that the first Respec will award a level 32 recipe (or a recipe of your level if you are below level 32). The second Respec will award a level 42 recipe. Only the third Respec will award a level 50 recipe, and it will only do so if you are on the second difficulty setting or above.

Okay, now you know how to get the right level recipe. But what are your chances?

2) Let’s start with the SF/TF recipes, collectively known as “Pool C”.

I’m not going to lie to you about this. For a level 50 player there are 38 possible recipe rewards for completing a SF/TF, and half of them are garbage. Your odds of barely breaking even in terms of the time and effort you invest is 50/50, so be ready for disappointment.

In fact, even if you are specifically looking for one of the “bad” recipes, you’re much better off placing a low bid (of about 5K Inf. at the most) on the Market and waiting for 12 hours instead of wasting time on a SF/TF.

Seriously. There is a good reason the bad recipes are BAD. Either:

a) They are extremely specialised and therefore worthless (far more supply than demand);

b) Require at least 5 million worth of rare arcane salvage;

c) Both.

In the case of special “Proc” IO recipes, actually acquiring the recipe is often as inconsequential and trivial as walking from the Market to the nearest invention table. You should be FAR more concerned with acquiring the ridiculously expensive salvage than the recipe.

In many cases, the cheap price of a “rare” recipe reflects the fact that it costs so much Inf. to buy the salvage and craft it that people are only willing to pay a minimal price for the recipe itself.

Anyways, I said there were 38 possible rewards. Let’s take a look at them and their relative value.


Numina's Convalescence: +Recovery and +Regeneration *****
Luck of the Gambler: Defense/+7.5% Recharge Speed *****

Admit it - you did the SF/TF just to try and get one of these two recipes, didn’t you?

And why not. Numina has steadily been selling for at least 12 million Inf per copy, and LOTG has recently skyrocketed in value from a cautious 8-15 million to now insane prices of between 25-50 million. Yes – 50 million. People have started to believe the LOTG Recharge will never be nerfed and given Unique status, so are more confident to buy and sell at higher prices.

Here’s a simple fact – anyone who is anyone wants 1 Numina Unique slotted in their Health pool power, respeccing to increase its slots up to 4 so they can make room for it without sacrificing Regeneration.

Here’s another – anyone with the ability to slot a Defence set wants at least 1 copy of the LOTG.

These are the cream of the Pool C crop. Find one of these and you are very lucky, and either very content with your new ability or very rich with your new cash. Good for you.

The Numina Unique doesn’t even require a ridiculous rare salvage (you’ll need roughly 1.6 million Inf. to buy the components and craft it, which coincidentally is what you probably earned during the SF/TF itself).


Okay, so you didn’t get one of the great drops. Cry moar. There are still lots of other nice rewards you could receive. In approximate order of value, you might find:

Scirocco's Dervish: Dam/Acc/End ****
Positron's Blast: Dam/Acc/End ****
Aegis: +Psionic and Mez Resist ****
Devastation: Dam/Rech ****
Numina's Convalescence: Heal/Rech ****

And you should easily get a good return on your investment from any of them. Scirocco is particularly valuable both Hero and Villainside. The Aegis is in demand from squishies, and the others should net you a tidy sum or help you complete a very difficult collectable set.

Almost equally useful are the next batch:

Sovereign Right: Aura 10% Resistance (All but Psionic) buff for Pets ****
Mako's Bite: Dam/Rech ****
Devastation: Chance to hold ****
Ghost Widow's Embrace: Acc/Hold/Rech ***
Luck of the Gambler: End/Rech ***
Aegis: End/Rech ***

Which fluctuate in value now and then, but are decent, solid rewards. It’s true that only crazy Masterminds slot an entire set of Sovereign Right (who would willingly give up 42% DAMAGE for a trivial Aura effect?!) but the Unique is fun to slot into a set of Blood Mandate, so is still in relatively high demand.

Mako, Devastation and Ghost Widow should be snatched up quickly by customers needing that final hard-to-find rare from those sets, and although the LOTG and Aegis are essentially the worst of those sets (only people wanting to complete the entire set will be looking for an End/Rech) they are still far from worthless.


Well if you haven’t seen your earned recipe yet in this list, I hope you were looking for something specialised because that’s what you have!

Celerity: +Stealth ***
Unbounded Leap: +Stealth ***
Positron's Blast: Chance for energy damage ***
Scirocco's Dervish: Chance for lethal DoT ***
Freebird: +Stealth ***
Mako's Bite: Chance for lethal damage **
Time & Space Manipulation: +Stealth **
Sovereign Right: Acc/End **

This next batch aren’t hyper-valuable, you’ll be able to sell them but not for the same prices as the others above. Travel +Stealth recipes are (inexplicably) FAR more valuable when crafted, so if you don’t want to keep them bear that in mind. But why sell? The Stealths are a fun addition to slot into a PvP character or the Sprint inherent in your latest alt.

Of all the Stealths, TP appears the least valued. However remember that you can slot it into team-orientated characters such as the Recall Friend of a Healer, to give them even more fun talents.

The other Recipes are in fair demand, but to varying extent. It’s here that the intimidating price of rare arcane salvage really starts to devalue the Proc recipes. Villainside, Mako is worth about half the value of Scirocco, and the value of Sovereign really depends on how many overly-proud MMs are online during that particular day.


Oh dear. Better luck next time. Here is the “low end” of Pool C, where you will only be happy if you earn the exact recipe you were really looking for, and already have the salvage to craft it. Good luck!

Malaise's Illusions: Confuse/Acc/Rech **
Stupefy: Acc/Stun/Rech *
Call of the Sandman: Acc/Rech/Sleep *
Glimpse of the Abyss: Acc/Fear/Rech *
Trap of the Hunter: Acc/Immob/Rech
Pacing of the Turtle: End/Rech/Slow
Sting of the Manticore: Acc/Int/Range
Executioner's Contract: Dam/Rech
Malaise's Illusions: Chance for Spectral Wounds
Stupefy: Chance for knockdown
Ghost Widow's Embrace: Chance for Psionic Damage
Call of the Sandman: Chance for Self Heal
Glimpse of the Abyss: Chance for Psionic Damage
Trap of the Hunter: Chance for Lethal DoT
Pacing of the Turtle: Chance for Recharge Slow
Sting of the Manticore: Chance for Toxic DoT
Executioner's Contract: Chance for Disorient

Yeah. Most of these you might as well sell at the Quartermaster, it really is that bad. Still, at leas they aren’t weighted as more common like Centrioles are. Time to re-run another SF/TF in 4 hours for another try at that Numina!

3. Now for Respecs.

A lot of players seem to be confused about Pool D rewards. Some think they overlap with Pool C. They don’t.

For a level 50, there are only SEVEN possible recipe rewards unless you embark on the 1st Respec. So make sure you really do need either the Respecification reward or one of these seven/nine, or it won’t be worth the effort.

The main seven are:

Luck of the Gambler: Def/End/Rech ***
Numina's Convalescence: End/Heal/Rech ***
Devastation: Acc/Dam/Rech ***
Mako's Bite: Acc/End/Rech **
Aegis: End/Rech/Res **
Sovereign Right: Acc/Dam/End **
Sting of the Manticore: Dam/Int/Rech

They will drop at level 49/50 on the 3rd Respec, or level 42 on the 2nd Respec.

The 1st respec offers two additional possible rewards:

Decimation Dam/End/Rech ****
Touch of Death Acc/Dam/Rech ***

and whichever you get from the nine options will drop at level 32.

Yeah, it stings to get the Manticore. A little joke left behind by the lion-nosed midget. LOTG and Numina are once again the main reason for pulling a recipe from a Respec, and Devastation is a good consolation. The rest are fairly easy to purchase elsewhere, but still good for trades or sales.

Anyways, there’s a quick analysis – hope it helps put your drops into perspective!

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!




Numina's Convalescence: +Recovery and +Regeneration *****
Luck of the Gambler: Defense/+7.5% Recharge Speed *****

[/ QUOTE ]

You forgot Miricle: +Recovery *****


For a level 50, there are only NINE possible recipe rewards. So if you are embarking on a Respec, make sure you really do need either the Respecification reward or one of these nine, or it won’t be worth the effort.

The nine are:

Luck of the Gambler: Def/End/Rech ***
Numina's Convalescence: End/Heal/Rech ***
Devastation: Acc/Dam/Rech ***
Mako's Bite: Acc/End/Rech **
Aegis: End/Rech/Res **
Sovereign Right: Acc/Dam/End **
Sting of the Manticore: Dam/Int/Rech

[/ QUOTE ]

Acually, for a level 50 there are 11 possible rewards, you forgot

Decimation: Acc/Dmg/Rech ***** (Sells for 15mil on justice red side)
Touch of Death: Dmg/Rech/End ***

Now, for a 3rd respec trial, there are nine rewards possible, since the level range of the third respec is 44-50, and the two recepies above are a max level of 40.

But for the 2nd respec, you can receive all eleven

Also, it only takes 20-30 minutes to do a respec trial. The lowest one of those recepies sell for is around 5K, then maybe 100K and up to 10mil (Numina) and 16mil (Decimation), so doing the respec even when you dont need a respec or one of the recepies IS worth it



Miracle only drops up to level 40. I really think this should have allocated to Pool D, as it would have been a lot cheaper and made Respecs a LOT more popular!

I did rush the Pool D section. There are actually only 9 drops total, and for a level 50 you have 7 of them to choose from.

Unless you do the first Respec, where for a 50 all 9 become available.

You can't get Touch or Decimation from the 2nd Respec if you are a 50. They max out at level 40 and your reward will be level 42. Only the 1st Respec will offer those 2 to a level 50 (they will drop as level 32).

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!




I did rush the Pool D section. There are actually only 9 drops total, and for a level 50 you have 7 of them to choose from.

Unless you do the first Respec, where for a 50 all 9 become available.

You can't get Touch or Decimation from the 2nd Respec if you are a 50. They max out at level 40 and your reward will be level 42. Only the 1st Respec will offer those 2 to a level 50 (they will drop as level 32).

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes you can get Decimation and Touch of death from a second respec. The 2nd respec is levels 34-43, which includes level 40. It doesn't matter what level mobs you are fighting when a recepie level max's out. The only thing that matters (With respec and TF only) is the level range of the respec/TF. Since you fight level 42 mobs on the first difficulty level, if you get one of the seven maxxed level 50 recepies then it would be level 42, but since the respec is open from 33-44, the option for Decimation and Touch of Death to drop is there.

This is where respec and TF differ. With a TF, you get the level of the drop equal to your level.

With respec, you get the drop equal to the level of the mobs in the AV room, and you are restricted from the recepies by the level range of the respec.

I know that TF works in a similar way, but I have not had as much experience with TF as I have had with respec.

I have gotten 3 Decimation and 1 Touch of Death drops, all level 40, from 2nd respec FYI

If respecs worked the way you said they did, it would be impossible to receive a level 40 decimation and touch of death, which they do exist.