The End of All Things (Open RP)




In the year 2085, Paragon City has, once again, become the center of a war. Like many others, this war is a battle for the very existence of mankind. The Rikti had been defeated decades ago. They are, or were, our allies. They are mostly gone now. Not many criminals are left. Most died with all the heroes that fell in the beginning of this war, 5 years ago. Nemesis, Arachnos, and the surviving Heroes are now the only standing champions of Earth. The world is in ruins. Only 15% of the global population is still alive. The surviving heroes are mostly veterans from nearly a century ago. The remainder of Vanguard is in charge of co-ordinating the effort against our enemy: Rularuu. The armies of the Destroyer rampage across the planet. And here, those heroes who are worthy, join the battle. Ampithere, the current public leader of the remainder of Vanguard, stands at a podium, speaking to a crowd of heroes that are brave enough to take another stand.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



"My fellow heroes, you have come here today, because you desire to try one last time to save the world." Ampithere's voice boomed across the ruined remains of Atlas Park. "I commend you all. It takes a lot to just show up here today. You truly are brave..." Ampithere breaks off, firing a dark blast into the sky, where, moments later a portal opens. The Army of Rularuu pour out of it. "TO ARMS!!!"

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



Dr. Alvin Morris leaned against the short wall listening to Ampithere's speech. It had been a long time since he had unsheathed his claws for the greater good. His comrades had all long since fallen, none of them having the longevity that his nanomachines had granted him by healing the ravages of time. The cybernetics that comprise 60% of his body were state of the art even then and only became better with time and upgrades. Now over 120 years old, he was still just as spry as in his crime-fighting youth. As the portal opened and the Rularuu rushed out, he just smiled grimly and leaped into battle. Claws and Effect was on the hunt again.

((Claws is the only hero I have that would still be alive in the year 2085, first time I've roleplayed him though))

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.