Paragon University: Continuity Questions RP





Hey folks!

I'm trying to work out some backstory both in-game and via forum threads concerning a character of mine named Sunder Shock and am curious about some details of Paragon City University. My questions are as follows and are all in regards to accepted continuity in the community:

1. Is there a generally agreed upon mascot for the school? (I'm RPing this character as a soccer athlete at the school so it would be helpful for me to know)

2. Are there school colors that are generally agreed upon? (Again for the same reasons as above.)

3. Is there a "Main Campus" generally agreed upon as there are several zones with a University building in them?

4. Are there certain buildings/locations/halls that are broadly accepted by the community?

I apologize for not picking through the Paragon Univ. RP thread but there are so many posts there's just no way I could do it. If someone can help me sort this out I would appreciate it.
Also, if we get a lot of contribution, I would recommend having a RP continuity thread stickied for easy and quick reference.

Thanks in advance!



I can field a few of these (but not all, we'll have to wait for Zeta for most of it).

3. Is there a "Main Campus" generally agreed upon as there are several zones with a University building in them?

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The campus is between zones, so it's essentially 'off the map'. Dunno if it has branches in various zones, or if that's a different school.

4. Are there certain buildings/locations/halls that are broadly accepted by the community?

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I believe there's something of a map in the works. I'm not in on the details, so I don't know for certain.



Just going by my memory:

The "main campus" is not on any of the official maps for the game. The branches in-game are treated as branch campuses of the "main campus" in the Paragon University RP thread.

School colors are probably red and white (because of the cheerleader outfit the one girl is wearing in front of the Steel Canyon branch).

No mascot as of yet that I know of.

Some of the buildings have been named, but do not have a complete list. I do know that the Theater Building is named the Christopher Reeve Theater Building.

Sorry that I couldn't be much help.

Ashes to ashes,

The Cape Radio

"It's good to have friends. Wish I did." - Troy Hickman



Most information on the grounds, students and faculty can be found at Mithril_Zeta's excellent site, here.



I really am working on a map. Really. Honest.

As I'm laid off next month, I will probably have time to work on it...



So, should we vote on the PCU mascot or something?

If so, I propose either the PCU Fighting Phalanx or the PCU Patriots, as either would be pretty fitting.



I like either of those mascots.

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