John's Art Unload
Ooh..Me like...Nice job..Keep it up.
Had a WIP post on this a ways back but figured it'd be easier to put it in this cause...I have no idea but hey check it out: Sun Lord, Tiger's Claw, Minstrel Mistress, Rocky Road
I'm sure you'll figure out who's who. And it's a lot easier to see this time!
Originally Posted by Arcanaville
Warning: crazy space limit reached. Please delete some crazy and try again. |
Gotta say, I love the rock guy
I'd never use a nuke in a superhero universe. You nuke a city, you kill 1.5 million people minus one. The last guy not only gets superpowers from the explosion, but ones that let him survive a nuke...and wow, is he torqued off
PPD Mastermind
You have some beautiful drawings. Orchestrated is so good!
Figured at the rate I expect to be going I don't want to make a new thread every single time I got something new to share with everyone so what better way to bring it into a consolidated area starting with:
Yay for more comments!!