Help with a Stone/Elec Brute build




I was wondering if anyone could help me out with a Stone/Elec Brute build. I have searched the boards a lot and can't find one that is current. I mostly want it for PvE until I level it up a lot, then maybe I'll spec it to PvP. ATM I'm only lvl 8, just want a sort of guide to what powers to choose, how to slot it, etc. Thanks in advance.



You would probably get a better response if you posted this in the "Brutes" forum rather than the "Guides" forums. This forum is generally for people to post guides about builds rather than asking for help on your build.

With that said, there have been a few posts on Stone Melee / Electric Armor in the Brutes forum over the past week or so, check the history or do a search.



Nothing the old guides say became totally useless with IOs.



Thanks for the advice, I did post a request in the Brutes forum as well. Just figured I'd have a better chance of getting a response if I asked in more then one location. This is a "Guides" forum.