Invasion Screenshots Wanted

Arctic Sun



Hi guys

Apologize for the short notice. I need a couple of Invasion screenshots (i.e., screens taken during the Invasion event, or from the Rikti War Zone, etc.).

While my immediate window is from NOW until tomorrow noon (EST), if other cool ones trickle in I will contemplate on how I might be able to use them.

Here's the boilerplate:

Focus on the INVASION / RIKTI.

It can be an action shot. It can be an atmospheric shot. It can be a funny or interesting shot. It cannot be a boring shot.

DO turn your UI off. (I don't want to see names floating above people's heads or floating damage).

DO take a crisp, clean, high-res image. (Check your in-game settings!)

DO make sure the focus characters - Rikti, Heroes, Villains, whomever, are very visible.

Normally we say “DO NOT photoshop the picture” and “DO NOT manipulate the picture,” however, this time I’m going to remove this restriction and see if it makes a difference. Don't go crazy - it has to look like CoH/CoV, obviously. Remember the most important element: “An engaging screenshot of the Invasion."

You MAY enter ONLY ONE screenshot, although more than one character can be featured. (For example, if Lighthouse, Ex Libris, and Arctic Sun were all in a Super Group, they could each enter one screenshot. Arctic’s might feature only him, while Ex’s shows both her character and Lighthouse’s, while all three characters might be in Lighthouse’s shot – each player/account can only submit one screenshot … so make it sharp!).

Submissions can be made by emailing your screenshots (details below) from NOW until 12:00 PM (EST) THURSDAY August 9th.

* You may only enter 1 screenshot. If we see multiple entries from you, all entries may be disqualified.

* EMAIL submissions to

* Screenshots MUST be JPG format, the bigger the better (if the file size is huge, please zip or otherwise compress it).

* Your submission MUST include:
- Your real name
- Age
- Address
- PlayNC Master Account name
- Game account name
- Character & server name (for all characters in the shot)

* Winners will be selected randomly, but with an eye towards dramatic scenes/engaging action.

* If you aren’t selected, it’s likely that it’s because the number of submissions is so high. If this goes well, you will have another opportunity to submit.

* Anywhere from one to four winners will be selected. Winning screenshots will be featured in a web site article.

* Screenshots that are too dark, too small, or otherwise unclear will be disqualified.

For full submission guidelines & legal notice, please click here.



I thought the invasions were turned off. If so it will be kind of hard to get screen shots unless some people do the Lady Grey TF or they took screen shots while the event was going on.



I don't know, DH--I've taken an awful lot of screen shots lately.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Same. I've got a ton a screenshots I think are gems.



I didn't get as many as I thought I had, but then again maybe that's because it was a slideshow to begin with

And one thing to remember, the Invasion in zones *made everything darker*. Adjust that gamma on your pix before sending them in!!

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!