Badge Collectors Unite! (The Guide)




At the behest of a few pms and a reply on the badges thread, I am placeing this post here. Go. Badge. Hunt.:

I, like many people, are badge hunters. Some have many toons collecting badges. Therefore here is a list of some very need to know sites and utilities to maximize your badge uberness:

Badge Collecting Utilities

City Info Terminal
Badge Hunter
Vidiot Maps - Map overlays with badge markers
Hero Stats

Badge Collecting Sites

The above sites also provide an outstanding badge resource for information, but you can also check out:

Red Tomax's Guide to City of Heroes
Red Tomax's Guide to City of Villains
Paragon Wiki

They all have forums, I believe, and their sites are extremely cool, especially to show off your badge hunting prowess.

Welcome all Badge Collectors!

Kenja's Logitec G15 Masters Guide
Kenja's Concise Commands and Emotes Guide (I10)
Kenja's Links Guide for Badge Collectors
Visit SalsaVille!