A Random_Guy posts an NRG^2 blaster I10 guide




OK…I love my NRG^2 and I want you to love NRG^2, um…too. This build can be played solo or in team, without gimping either’s performance. It can also be played as a blapper or a blaster, or a hybrid of both. My personal playstyle is more of a hybrid. I blap when solo and blast when teamed (usually until the group is significantly reduced in size and then it’s back to blapping). This guide may not be the most efficient way to level a hero from 1 to 50, but if you respect to it in the late 30’s, you should find it very efficient from then on. The build is, however, expensive (in regards to both time and influence). I’m going to list powers, slots and IO’s but will reserve talking about why I picked the IO’s I did until the end (see if you can figure it out). I’ll also preview a few of the Epic pools as well to show you how this build really takes off. The ultimate goal is to build a Blaster that hits often and hits often (you’ll see). Skip to the end for just the numbers (but you’ll miss the witty commentary).

Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.20

Level 50 Blaster
Primary Power Set: Energy Blast
Secondary Power Set: Energy Manipulation
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Medicine

Hero Profile:
Level 1: Power Blast
Blast does almost twice the damage as Bolt and has a higher KB Mag. 6 slots, 5 Decimation, 1 your call.

Level 1: Power Thrust
It’s forced on you (NO, means NO!). Think of it as a defensive power and it’s not so bad. 1 slot, Accuracy IO.

Level 2: Energy Punch
Over twice the damage of Torrent, plus it’s single target. And a Mag 2 stun. 6 slots, 5 Crushing Impact, 1 your choice.

Level 4: Build Up
The damage boost is just too much to pass up. Standard 3 slotting of Recharge IO’s applies.

Level 6: Power Burst
Another high powered, single target blast. This one comes with a Mag 3.32 KB. 6 slots, 5 Decimation, 1 your call.

Level 8: Sniper Blast
Snipe powers seem to have a love it/hate it relationship with the board. I love being able to 1 shot a minion while soloing. 6 slots, 5 Sting of the Manticore, 1 your choice.

Level 10: Bone Smasher
Power # 2 in the bread-n-butter melee combo. Great damage with a Mag 3 stun. 6 slots, 5 Crushing Impact, 1 your call.

Level 12: Aim
You’ll start a lot of fights out with Aim & Build Up. Another great buff. Standard 3 slotting of Recharge IO’s applies.

Level 14: Hurdle
Something has to bridge the gap to Health. Take Hurdle for the little extra vertical movement. 1 slot, Jump IO.

Level 16: Health
Eat your greens! It’s the last girder in the bridge to Stamina. 1 slot, Numina’s Convalescence +20%Regen/+10%Recovery because IT IS ALWAYS ACTIVE.

Level 18: Power Push
Mag 13.3 KB. Remember Scorpion from Mortal Kombat (“Get over here!”)? This is the opposite. Nice for delaying (or potentially eliminating) the alpha strike. 1 slot, Accuracy IO.

Level 20: Stamina
I’m an addict. So is this build. Take it, buy it dinner, and treat it nice. Standard 3 slotting of Endurance Modifications.

Level 22: Hasten
Now that Stamina is out of the way…hitting things more frequently is what the cool kids do. WARNING!! This is where you spit pop all over your monitor and keyboard. 6 slots of Recharge Recovery. ED schmED. With global bonus’ this can be brought to near perma. (More on this later.)

Level 24: Super Speed
Flying is cool, but Super Speed allows you to get from A-C faster (because you always have to make a pit stop at B to beat something up). It also stacks for invisibility. 1 slot, Celerity +Stealth IO.

Level 26: Combat Jumping
Finally a power with defensive slots! Treat it like your mistress. 5 slots, 5 Luck of the Gambler (one slot must be the global 7.5% recharge reduction).

Level 28: Power Boost
Think of it as Viagra for your KB’s and Stun’s (except it won’t spam your email). 119% boost to numerous effects. 3 slots of Recharge Reduction makes this near perma.

Level 30: Aid Other
Do unto others and all that. Everyone loves a giver. Another bridge power. Take this over Stimulant because it takes IO’s. 1 slot, Regenerative Tissue +25% Regen to self. (Because what’s better than helping someone else while also helping yourself?)

Level 32: Nova
Here comes the Boom! So-so power right away, but is the bomb (literally) fully slotted. 6 slots, 4 slots of Scirocco’s Dervish, 2 Damage IO’s.

Level 35: Boost Range
You can make this power perma. Nothing like putting a little distance between you and your mark. 1 slot, Recharge reduction.

Level 38: Total Focus
Stun a Boss in 1 shot while doing a good amount of damage? Check. 6 slots, 5 Crushing Impact, 1 your call (see a pattern yet?).

Level 49: Aid Self
Because it takes IO slots. 1 slot, Miracle +15% recovery to self.

Revisiting the ultimate goal (hit often and hit often), the Global Recharge Reduction sees a 42.5% boost from set bonuses and Accuracy sees a 39% boost from set bonuses without any bonuses from the Epic Powers. According to Mids’…without the Epic Powers, Hasten lasts 120 seconds and recharges in 136.1 seconds. That’s only a 16.1 second difference. It gets less when Epic powers are added.

Epic Powers

Epic Power: Force Mastery
I like FM as a choice because blasters have 0 in the way of defense, and this set has it. It has it a lot.

Level 41: Personal Force Field
Tank as a blaster! Ok, maybe you don’t want to do that. But you can. And it will save your neck more than a few times. It also allows you to use Aid Self in battle. 6 slots, 1 slot Luck of the Gambler + 7.5% Recharge Reduction, 5 slots Red Fortune (skip the endurance only IO).

Level 44: Temp Invulnerability
Defense. Or Defence if you’re Canadian. 6 slots, 2 slots Steadfast Protection (Global +3% and KB Protection), 1 slot Impervious skin (+30% Resistance), 1 slot Impurvium Armor (+3% Psi Resistance), 1 slot Aegis (+3% Psi Resistance/+20% Status Resistance), 1 slot your call.

Level 47: Force of Nature
I know…it’s the FotM. But it wouldn’t be if it weren’t any good. 6 slots, 2 slot (for the set bonus) Impervious skin (+30% Resistance and your call), 4 slots Impurvium Armor (for the set bonus).

Force Mastery slotted this way grants you the following:
1) An additional 12.5% Recharge Reduction boost (55% overall) giving hasten an 11.1 second difference between duration and recharge.
2) PFF grants 89.9% Defense Bonus (with CJ) to all types of damage and anywhere between 28% and 31% resistance to all except Toxic (0%) and Psionic (37%).
3) TI grants 29.2% to Smashing and Lethal (bringing Smashing and Lethal resistance to 57.2% with PFF/CJ running).
4) FoN grants a 49% to 52% resistance bonus to all. With TI up you’re at the cap for Smashing and Lethal. If you happen to be close to dying with FoN and TI running, activating PFF grants the above 89.9% defense bonus, and takes you to the resist cap on Fire, Cold, Energy and Negative (in addition to Smashing and Lethal).

Epic Power: Flame Mastery
This is another good choice as it provides a little defense, has a self rez, and a great mitigating power.

Level 41: Bonfire
Seal of a room of baddies until you’re ready for them. This power is spammable with Hasten. 6 slots, 5 slots Positron’s Blast, 1 Recharge Reduction.

Level 44: Fire Shield
Same as TI above. 6 slots, 2 slots Steadfast Protection (Global +3% and KB Protection), 1 slot Impervious skin (+30% Resistance), 1 slot Impurvium Armor (+3% Psi Resistance), 1 slot Aegis (+3% Psi Resistance/+20% Status Resistance), 1 slot your call

Level 47: Rise of the Phoenix
Great self rez. Keeps the baddies swaying and make you untouchable for 15 seconds. 6 slots, 5 slots Stupefy, 1 slot Endurance Modification.

Flame Mastery slotted this way grants you the following:
1) An additional 12.5% Recharge Reduction boost (55% overall) giving hasten an 11.1 second difference between duration and recharge.
2) An additional 9% Accuracy boost (48% overall).
3) With Hasten, Bonfire’s recharge is 40.7 seconds while the duration is 45 seconds.
4) Fire Shield grants 26.8% resistance to Smashing and Lethal, 21.1% resistance to Fire and 11.3% resistance to Cold.

Epic Power: Munitions Mastery
I’m kinda “meh” on this Epic but I’m not sure why. The defense is the lowest of the bunch, but has 2 really good AoE’s. Less D, More O I say.

Level 41: Cryo Freeze Ray
Body Armor is kinda “meh” as far as armor goes. Take the hold. 6 slots, 5 slots Decimation, 1 Recharge Reduction.

Level 44: Sleep Grenade
I wish I had this to use on my 3 yr old. Mag 3 AoE sleep. 6 slots, 5 slots Positron’s Blast, 1 Recharge Reduction.

Level 47: LRM Rocket
More boom is always welcome. . 6 slots, 5 slots Positron’s Blast, 1 Recharge Reduction.

Munitions Mastery slotted this way grants you the following:
1) An additional 18.8% Recharge Reduction boost (61.3% overall) giving hasten an 8.8 second difference between duration and recharge.
2) An additional 18% Accuracy boost (57% overall).
3) Sleep Grenade with Power Boost provides a Mag 3 Sleep for 52.3 seconds. Go get a Coke and a smile.
4) Body Armor provides 12.2% resistance to Smashing and Lethal if slotted like TI. It’s low enough to pass on.

I didn’t like how Elec and cold Cold worked as Epic choices. It’s just personal preference. If you like them..do your own guide!

Why only 5 IO’s of a type when there are 6 slots? Because the “Chance to” IO’s, while fun, don’t fire often enough, and you can guarantee an increase somewhere by sticking a regular IO in the 6th slot. But this is just a guide; the final slot choice certainly can be the “Chance to” IO if that is your wish.

Why 6 slots in Hasten you dope? Not only do you get hit with ED you probably have ED! With the global enhancements you can make the downtime about 11 seconds or so.

The one thing you’ll notice in Mids’ is that there are some HP bonuses that won’t apply because you’re at the HP cap. But there are other bonuses beyond the HP bonuses in a set, and that’s what I was aiming for. And there is some unconventional slotting. Ah, the beauty of set bonuses.

So there you have it… An NRG^2 I10 build with Epic pool options. I’m sure there are corrections in there somewhere, and I’ll do my best to update them as requested. I’ll also try to make it prettier (It’s such a chore…if anyone is quick on the formatting code I can send you a word doc with the guide if you want to update the code).

Here are the numbers if you’re just into that (with the Munitions Epic):

[u]Set Bonuses:[u]
+3% Damage Buff
+0.95% Defense (Energy)
+0.95% Defense (Negative)
+6.75% Max Endurance
+57% Enhancement (Accuracy)
+61.3% Enhancement (Recharge Time)
+67.8 (5.63%) Hit Points
+MezResist (Held) (Mag 2.75%)
+MezResist (Immobilize) (Mag 14.9%)
+5% Recovery
+32% Regeneration
+3.15% Resistance (Fire)
+3.15% Resistance (Cold)
+3.13% Resistance (Negative)

[u]Recharge Times (with Hasten):[u]
Power Blast: 2.72
Power Thrust: 2.59
Energy Punch: 3.57
Build Up: 27.2 (17.2 seconds downtime)
Power Burst: 3.4
Sniper Blast: 4.37
Bone Smasher: 5
Aim: 27.2 (17.2 seconds downtime)
Power Push: 3.46
Hasten: 128.8 (8.8 seconds downtime)
Power Boost: 18.2 (3.2 seconds downtime)
Aid Other: 4.32
Nova: 126
Boost Range: 21.9 (Perma)
Total Focus: 7.14
Cryo Freeze Ray: 5.44
Sleep Grenade: 29.9
LRM Rocket: 79.8
Aid Self: 6.65

[u]Recharge Times (with Hasten and Power Boost durations):[u]
Energy Punch: 3.57 (Mag 2, 13.1 second stun)
Bone Smasher: 5 (Mag 3, 20.9 second stun)
Total Focus: 7.14 (Mag 4, 31.2 second stun)
Cryo Freeze Ray: 5.44 (Mag 3, 31.2 second hold)
Sleep Grenade: 29.9 (Mag 3, 52.3 second sleep)



completely skipped power push, energy punch, went with flight pool, and got the 2 AoE damage powers. but i agree with ur comments

@Prandi - Freedom

# 143959 - Freedom Phalanx, Arachnos Forces and the Deadly Virus.



I like the flight pool as concept, but the invis from SS w/ stealth allows the option of sneaking into a large group and firing off Nova. I just found it to be more practical. And quicker. I had swift/hover 3 slotted and it seemed like a waste of slots (IMO).

I went with EP over the AoE's because EP is the 3rd attack in the chain (not an opener) behind TF and BS (quick recharge to finish off that last sliver of health). Plus if you're on a boss the Stuns stack (if they connect).

At the higher levels I didn't want to aggro 3 oor 4 +3's with an AOE. Do firing off both of the AOE's do enough damage to survive 4 or so +3's? I never thought they did enough (Torrent anyway).



I'd strongly suggest Acrobatics over Power Push. Mobility is king for blasters, and knockdown/back will kill you against iffy mobs (and not so iffy mobs). Acro also provides protection from one hold, which is nice against mobs you know have small to moderate mez capacity. I'd use the two -KB slots in the shields to enhance something that will benefit strongly from slots.

Also, enhancing your shield for resists is very important, an extra 10-12% damage resist helps a lot.

Also, move the RT to Health and take the slot out of your shield; Impervious skin doesn't grant 30% mez resists anymore, only 7.5% (as it was originally supposed to be a unique)



That's certainly do-able to this build.

I didn't clarify but it's a PvE build. The -KB IO should be good enough to keep you upright in PvE.

I'll adjust the Imperv %'s.

Health was slotted that way because the regen difference is only 5%, and you get the recovery bonus. There really isn't a bad way to slot Health.

Depending on what you're after, there are a couple ways to slot shields that would be effective.



Yes, but the RT unique isn't passive, which means you'd need to use heal other every 2 minutes for the bonus. Better off slotting it into health. 25% isn't gamebreaking, but it certianly helps.

Edit: Kossy tries not to exaggerate.



Yes, but the RT unique isn't passive, which means you'd need to use heal other every 2 minutes for the bonus. Better off slotting it into health. 25% isn't gamebreaking, but it certianly helps.
Edit: Kossy tries not to exaggerate.

[/ QUOTE ]

Doesn't that work the same for the Numina Unique? Wouldn't you have to fire Heal Other for the Numina bonus then?

Because if you don't, then you are clearly correct, the slotting is wrong. My assumption was the unique in Health was always active. As fast as you're going to be able to fire off powers with the global bonus, the 5% regen trade off for the 10% recovery was an acceptable trade (for me at least).



Yes, but the RT unique isn't passive, which means you'd need to use heal other every 2 minutes for the bonus. Better off slotting it into health. 25% isn't gamebreaking, but it certianly helps.
Edit: Kossy tries not to exaggerate.

[/ QUOTE ]

Doesn't that work the same for the Numina Unique? Wouldn't you have to fire Heal Other for the Numina bonus then?

Because if you don't, then you are clearly correct, the slotting is wrong. My assumption was the unique in Health was always active. As fast as you're going to be able to fire off powers with the global bonus, the 5% regen trade off for the 10% recovery was an acceptable trade (for me at least).

[/ QUOTE ]

Right, but what I was implying was that you sould move one slot from another power (such as the Imp. skin Mez resist) and put it in health instead. That way, RT isn't stuck in heal Other, and instead works all the time in Health.

I never said anything about putting either of the Heal uniques in other powers.



Yes, but the RT unique isn't passive, which means you'd need to use heal other every 2 minutes for the bonus. Better off slotting it into health. 25% isn't gamebreaking, but it certianly helps.
Edit: Kossy tries not to exaggerate.

[/ QUOTE ]

Doesn't that work the same for the Numina Unique? Wouldn't you have to fire Heal Other for the Numina bonus then?

Because if you don't, then you are clearly correct, the slotting is wrong. My assumption was the unique in Health was always active. As fast as you're going to be able to fire off powers with the global bonus, the 5% regen trade off for the 10% recovery was an acceptable trade (for me at least).

[/ QUOTE ]

Right, but what I was implying was that you sould move one slot from another power (such as the Imp. skin Mez resist) and put it in health instead. That way, RT isn't stuck in heal Other, and instead works all the time in Health.

I never said anything about putting either of the Heal uniques in other powers.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah... ok. I'm not so good at putting 2 and 2 together.

That's a very good idea.



Thanks for the guide! BL4STER is my first toon, my first 50 and I rolled him as nrg^2 purely from reading the power set descriptions on my first day. I've respec'd him a few times and he's ended up close to your build here. While I haven't outfitted him with IO sets yet, he's still very powerful and a lot of fun to play.