I drewed while I was gone




pretty good drewings....especially like the first one.

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I appreciate any criticism to help with my work, as well.



Boy I sure feel loved.

Why is it every time I've ever posted an artwork thread it always gets ignored? Is it because that one time I unloaded on everyone trying to give me advise or because I have a horrible tendancy to put my requests on the backburner/destroy them in some way?



Yes, I do wanna fight about it!

*begins to fight with you because you quoted yourself*

anyways good stuff, Im not an expert so all I can say is good stuff better than the crap I draw.



I dunno, my threads don't get *that* much traffic either...



Eh, only a very few people really DO get alot of traffic. Such is the nature of being an artist-in-training honestly.

I guess what I'm trying to say man, is try not to take it personally <;.;> It's worth bumping once in awhile too; sometimes it just moves too fast. Often though people are just busy and unless something REALLY blows them out of the water, you'll only get a few comments.

That said, it IS pretty darn good work man.

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



Eh, only a very few people really DO get alot of traffic. Such is the nature of being an artist-in-training honestly.

I guess what I'm trying to say man, is try not to take it personally <;.;> It's worth bumping once in awhile too; sometimes it just moves too fast. Often though people are just busy and unless something REALLY blows them out of the water, you'll only get a few comments.

That said, it IS pretty darn good work man.

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It doesn't bug me that much, I was just trying to make an excuse for more people to post here, and it worked.

Yes, I do wanna fight about it!

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*strikes Tae Kwon Do pose*



Looking good man.



*bump for the morning posters*



...Is it because that one time I unloaded on everyone ...

[/ QUOTE ]




AWK-ward... *backs away slowly*



Oh, and not bad stuff, but what is the second guy doing with his hands? Both of them.



...Is it because that one time I unloaded on everyone ...

[/ QUOTE ]


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Figured as much, but whatever. I'm the self proclaimed Dick in Chief of these forums.

EDIT: Oh, and you could have at least said something about the pieces whilst you posted here...

Oh, and not bad stuff, but what is the second guy doing with his hands? Both of them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the compliment. As for the hands, the purpose of the pose he is in is to show all sides of the armor I could. So I went for a front/side and a back view of the arm armor specifically. I know it's an awkward pose, but it works for its purpose.

The second piece is concept art for...something...so it has no kinetic energy whatsoever, it's just standing there.




Seriously, would someone comment on flaws. Please? Advise?



Honestly, I didn't see really anything wrong with the first or second pic. They're both quite good. Maybe you want to shade a little more evenly on the first pic because you can somewhat see the sketch lines on the inside of the hat.

You've got the figure down. Now it's a matter of conveying excitement, action, and emotion through it. Try doing pictures that really "pop" out. Fit as much detail as you can imagine, it really really does help. As long as you can keep the basic principle in, and make sure the details don't detract from that, you should be good.

Just try putting in more oomph and excitement. Make the viewer really interested in what you make.



Thanks for the advise. I'll have to try that on my current piece I'm working on.