I will miss the comic!




For any males past the age of breastfeeding, the inside of a breat isn't really important

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Uh, I prefer them to be stuffed with what God put in 'em.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



For any males past the age of breastfeeding, the inside of a breat isn't really important

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Uh, I prefer them to be stuffed with what God put in 'em.

[/ QUOTE ]

Me too.



For any males past the age of breastfeeding, the inside of a breast isn't really important

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Uh, I prefer them to be stuffed with what God put in 'em.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was meaning milk glands, not implants

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I'll miss the comic, regardless of it's hit and miss stories. It needed to be treated as a comic, with a steady writer who understood the world it was set in (Hello Troy Hickman), however it was treated like a red headed step child by the guys with the money. There was no reason it couldn't have been a great stand alone book, but as with all things NCSoft, it would appear, their stamina and vision were lacking resulting in too garbled a mess of crappy art here, uninspired writing there. The only arc that was pure crap was the introduction of the Korean NPC's, both art and writing were substandard. It's no surprise it's not selling. It's no surprise it was cancelled.

I'm going to be incredibly cynical here and say that there is no way this is going to happen with the inevitable Marvel Comic of the MUO game. Which is sad as it's just going to be another cape and tights book instead of something a little special, like we had.

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That's true; it tried to adhere to the game world too closely and that I think limited it's scope, a lot, we all create characters within the confines of the game but I don't think we all limit their potential in our heads or stories that we make up for them.

The only other thing they could have done was to have a comic based around upcoming issues, like a lead-in, which obviously they're doing with the last two.