The next installment of the City of Heroes / City of Villains Ask a Dev series is now available on the CoH Warcry web site. In this article, you can read Serdar "Lord Recluse" Copur's answers to a variety of questions posed from the second Ask a Dev article. You can also read up on "Who is The Mighty Jay Doherty" our costume specialist and pose your questions to him for the coming fifth article.
The next installment of the City of Heroes / City of Villains Ask a Dev series is now available on the CoH Warcry web site. In this article, you can read Serdar "Lord Recluse" Copur's answers to a variety of questions posed from the second Ask a Dev article. You can also read up on "Who is The Mighty Jay Doherty" our costume specialist and pose your questions to him for the coming fifth article.