Pictures of all the power sets?




Well, been struggling with trying to find pictures of all of the powers. All I've found is this site, , and then it only has pictures of the Hero powers (not complete). The sister Villain site has no pictures of powers at all. Any help with this would be appreciated!



pardon me when I ask this, but why do you absolutely need to see what all the powers look like? simply rolling up a lvl 1 of every set you want to see will give you a pretty good idea what the rest of the powers look like.



I'm at a point where I'm having trouble picking ATs for alts. It's nice to know how the end of a power set will be looking. After grinding for a long time ya really don't want to be disappointed. The low level powers are no where near as "super" as the end game powers. Feel like I'm going in a circle now, but you get the picture hehe.



actually I only mastermind sets come to mind as far as unpredictable graphics in the powers. Color schemes and graphic patterns remain the same throughout the set for the majoority of sets in the game. Only difference graphics-wise between the early and late powers is that those effects are more extravagant and bigger. Anyway, I think it's unreasonable to ask for screenshots of ALL powers, a more narrow request would get you more help.



yeah, good luck with that. i highly doubt you'll get what you're looking for.



Oh by no means am I asking anyone to take screenshots of all the powers, that is unreasonable. Was just hoping that maybe there was a site out there that I.. missed.. or something