Do I look like a Warrior?




I like warriors, they are fun to fight, and have cool weapons. So I thought I would make a broad sword / reg (I like reg) scrapper.

I don't really role play, but I wanted to at least have the look and the back story. (Plus I could say "Waaaariors, Come out and plaaaya" lol )

Here's my guy:

And here are some warriors

A few notes:

<ul type="square">[*] I added the glasses... because I like those glasses
[*] I might change the colors, but I couldn't find any color close to the brown/green jacket.
I might throw on some jeans and a white t-shirt on though
[*] That was the only headband I could find.
[*] I couldn't find anything that would work well as an arm armor
[*] Not sure if I want the tattoos
Any help would be nice, or some better pictures of warriors

Thanks guys



Hey, that's not bad, I like it. Althought you DO look like a Warrior, it's not a bad compliment. I sometimes get my butt handed to me by those guys.

Add tattoos if you wish, but I think this might turn you into something crossed by Warriors and Tsoo. Still neat. =)



lol, thank you

I hope in I9 I can make a crossbow or a normal bow