My Name... Is Haunting Amora ((Story))
((Yay! Sef story! Sounds great so far! Keep em up for zombies will invade your PM box. ))
Soviet approves.
((Hmm, well, thanks for the criticism from Tom and Term (And you two, I guess XD), I'm going to give the next part more thought. I hate how I can't get all my thoughts concentrated. raWr))
(('Tis good so far. Do write further, Priestess.))
((. . . And as you haven't met Moonscribe to my knowledge I should mention that Priestess is merely an honorific term, and I do not really think you are a Priestess, Priestess. XP))
Nice little intro. Might we have more?
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
(( Well, I've had this idea of a story in my head for quite a while now. Although the character in question no longer exists within the game, I've been reconsidering to remake her, so yeah...
Anyways, this a sorta short story. And by sorta, I mean six or seven posts more max, same length or so. This story is also angst, as I'm a fan of that genre... Nothing like a tearjerker to connect, eh?
Umm, I think that's all I need to say. Read now?
It was... just another day. Another day of me waking up, slamming my hand on the alarm clock, stuffing my face once more into my drool-laden pillow, listening to the dreadful noises of human population outside my window. Yes, just another simple day, where life never ceases to stop, threats never cease to occur, and heroes and villains alike must struggle for the ultimate supremacy of victory.
Yes, just another day, like any other.
A day, I unfortantely did not know, would be my last...
Yawning for the fourth time in a row, I struggled to zip my jeans up, growling menacingly at the button. Sighing in exasperation, I took them off, threw them into a corner, and grabbed a pair of sweats. Wiping my forehead from the effort put into stuffing myself into the pants - two sizes too small now - I headed downstairs to the kitchen.
"I heard you... up there. What were you doing?" A casual question from a not so casual meta-human. I crossed my arms, and glared at Jakob's uncanny hearing. A newspaper carefully hid his face, which I was certain he was hiding an enormous smile behind. The urge to rip the paper out of his hands had been overwhelming, and I barely restrained myself from doing so. As much as he deserved it...
"Nothing," I responded as casually, sitting down at the table. "Just stretching." Reaching out to take the box of frosted flakes cereal, I began to dump its contents into a bowl.
"I see..." There was a slight cough, one caught between a laugh and a choke. I glared at the paper once more.
"What?" I snapped.
"Huh?" He lowered the paper, and stared at me with twinkling blue-green eyes. His skin, a pale lavender, resembled that of freshwater fish, miniscule hints of scales noticeable at his temples. Light blue hair, ever so tinged with silver, hung just above his eyes, and his mouth was upturned in a teasing smile. "It's nothing Amora. I didn't say anything. At all."
Again with that damn smile. Now I really had the urge to bunch the wise-[censored] mammalian fish-man to death.
"Hmph." I turned back to my bowl of cereal and munched loudly, making sure that I chewed with my mouth opened. It gave me a shrewd sense of satisifaction to watch him wince with disdain. I stuck my tongue out at him, and showed him the remains of my breakfast.
"Yummy?" I asked, grinning.
He quickly turned back to his paper, snorting with laughter. The sunlight straining through the window caught on his hair, radiating a glow that bordered surreal. Jakob Anders was handsome indeed, a product of Crey Industries when he had been caught as a small fry from Founder's Falls. Genetically enhanced with human tissue, their attempts to create a being able to withstand incredible underwater pressure resulted in something else unexpected. Possessing an intelliect quite similar (and noticeably growing) to humans, Jakob turned out to be something Crey could not control or manipulate, and despite all their intentions, he was a liability. (A puppet that was able to manipulate his own strings? Unthinkable!) Quickly catching onto their attempts to silence him, he ran from the corporation, and vanished... only to resurface awhile later, appearance so drastically different and enhanced, he was able to adopt the title of a hero in Paragon City, another metahuman among many.
So he was safe. At least, for a little while more.
I yawned again, and stood up, stretching. Tossing my bowl into the sink, I turned to Jakob. "What time is it?"
"Uhh... 'bout 10 to 10:00."
"Are you serious? Damnit!" It would have been pretty funny to see the expression on Jakob's face just then, but I was seriously late for an appointment. My feet were a blur as I ran up the stairs, and another blur as I ran down again, a backpack clutched in one hand, my jacket in the other.
"Goddamnit! Where are my keys? I'm going to be late!"
"For what?" Jakob called from the house. I didn't bother to respond though, as I leapted into my car. Quickly igniting the engine, I gave Jakob a small wave, his amused gaze fixed upon mine as I pulled out of the driveway, and headed towards Paragon City.
The drive was a long and tedious one, the onset on spring quickly dissolving the remnants of winter. Traffic had, obviously, gotten worse as the season progressed, but at least there was no more snow.
"Thank God for that," I murmured, shivering as the thought of the Winter Horde invading the city fluttered through my mind. Leaning against the window, I hardly noticed the beautiful weather. I could hear the sounds of the other vehicles outside, purring in their impatience. Minutes passed, and I tapped my fingers lazily on the wheel. I was late enough already, damnit!
Where are you, Amora? A faint voice echoed within my mind. I sat up slowly, scratching my head, feeling a slight pressure.
"Stuck in traffic."
Several clicks from the voice in my head. You were supposed to be here... Oh, half an hour ago?
"Well, sorry. Not all of us are early-birds like you, Sean...." I yawned again, loudly enough so that he would be able to hear.
Well, Sean chuckled, I would've woke you up myself, but I've been pretty busy this morning... A lot of things have been going on. I think Azuria will brief you in when you get here.
"Mkay." Slowly but surely, I was making progress with this traffic jam.
So, how've you been? A softer tone.
"Not bad, I guess. This new identity and stuff... it's kinda hard on me right now. The place witness protection put me in... It's okay... The guys are nice enough, but I'm still having some trouble with Syren. She's so... rough, you know? Takes everything so uptight and serious. I swear, she hates me or something... And I still can't believe you guys made me gain weight... I wasn't able to fit in my favourite pair of jeans this morning cause I was, well, too fat." I felt my cheeks flush at those words. "And now people are going to think I'm crazy cause I'm talking to a voice inside my head..."
You're far from crazy, love. Far from crazy. As to adjustment... Well, nobody ever said it would be easy. Give it some time; you've only been there for three weeks. Anyways, judging from your lowering stress-levels, I'd say you're about 10 minutes to headquarters. I'll see you then... I felt a small kiss on my lips, and just like that, I felt his presence dissipate from my mind, the weight inside my head released.
"Yeah, see you then, I guess." I sighed, turning my attention back to the traffic. My day was just starting, it seemed...